Training & Advancement
Lake of the Ozarks Scout Reservation
Invention Lab
Journey to Excellence
Quality Unit & District Programs
The annual registration cost to be a member of the BSA
What is $24
1963 & 1966
What is the year of the original donation of land and the first year of Scout camping at Camp Hohn?
These tasks can be completed to find the last 5% of youth needed to meet goals
What is reviewing advancement reports, new youth added report from re-charters, event rosters, LDS MLS report, advancement reports, School Night to Join Scouting sign in sheets, etc.
Monthly supplemental training in each district that needs focus and attention to attendance and quality
What is roundtable?
What are the three signatures necessary to process a charter
What is the Institutional Head/Executive Officer, Unit Leader, and Council Representative
These individuals should be included in the pack program planning meeting
What is the: All pack committee members All den leaders All pack/den aids and den chiefs (optional) Chartered organization representative Your unit commissioner (optional) Anyone else you think might be helpful, such as other parents
These are materials that would be beneficial in marketing the Hooked on Scouting Fall Recruitment Campaign
What is we are generating a list :)
Things you should do during a boy talk
What is, we are generating a list :)
This report determines what step (1-5) in the process a unit is in on the online rechartering system
What is the UCRS-Commissioner's Status Report ?????????????????????????
True or False: The Chartering Organization is responsible to pay the Unit Liability Insurance Fee
What is False
These are items that the group should have in front of them to complete the program planing process.
What is the: Packs: Key school dates Community event dates Your chartered organization's dates Personal dates that may affect your pack's activities such as the Cubmaster's anniversary cruise District and council dates Collected Family Talent Survey sheets from all parents Last year's pack annual plan if you have one Troops: Key school dates, like holidays and exams Community event dates The chartered organization's key dates Personal dates that may affect the troop's activities, such as the Scoutmaster's anniversary cruise Key district and council dates Data collected from the Troop Resources Survey Last year's troop annual plan, if you have one Troop priorities and goals Scouts' advancement records General outline of next year's program
In towns that you currently do not have Scouting this event can be held in the spring to generate interest
What is a warm up event
True or False: Professional Scouters are the only ones that can do a boy talk at a school
What is false.
The % of leaders that have to be trained in their position for their re-charter to be processed
What is 100%
These four signatures are required to process a new adult application
What is the applicant, charter rep/institutional head, committee chair, and Scout Executive or Designee
What is the mission of the Sinquefield Invention Lab?
New Cub Scouts will receive this as an incentive for joining Cub Scouts in the fall on 2014
What is a fishing pole and tackle box
The uniform that should be worn during a boy talk
What is your field uniform (possible variations) Captain Fun :)
These units are exempt from the Unit Liability Insurance Fee
Who is no one.
The fee collected for a Boys Life subscription and registration for a youth that is registering in October (in a new unit)
What is $45.00 Oct-Dec BL=$3 Oct-Dec Reg. =$6 Jan-Dec BL=$12 Jan-Dec Reg.=$24
This presentation should be completed at a Blue and Gold Banquet or Court of Honor
What is a Friends of Scouting presentation
This is the ideal method to identify potential explorers and venturers
What is Career Interest Survey
You can engage girls in your boy talk how
What is, we are generating a list.