Epic Genre
Classical Epic (Greeks and Latins)
Songs in the Middle Ages
Spanish Golden Age
Narrated historical facts about events that happened in the past of a nation.
Definition of Epic.
It has more than 15,000 verses and starts when Achilles, offended by Agamemnon, withdraws from the battle.
The Iliad
The genre that proliferated written and verbal.
The epic.
The paintings of this period are famous (name some of them and their authors)
The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci, the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo, Raphael's Madonna and many others.
Other name for Spanish Golden Age.
Baroque period.
This poem has more than 200,000 verses.
This literature highlights the symbolism and religiosity that permeate their writings.
Egyptian Literature.
The hero is Siegfried, who is invulnerable because he once took a bath in the blood of a dragon. However, a part of his body didn't touch the blood, making that point out their weakness.
The Song of the Nibelungs
The stories show the past of the protagonist's life. The hero dies. The future of the hero is destroyed by terrible events. The innocents suffer.
Characteristics of Shakespeare plays.
One of the most important dramatists (theater).
Lope de Vega.
There is an invocation to a muse at the beginning of the text, in which the poet is asking for help to tell the story.
Characteristic of Epic Poem.
Text of the Romans that was trying to emulate the great adventures of the Greeks, in which Romans praises to Rome and its emperor.
The Aeneid.
At this time, epopees were called__________referring to the stories that spoke of a heroic theme.
Songs of heroic deeds.
Is considered one of the most important writers of literature.
William Shakespeare
Along with Shakespeare, is considered one of the greatest of world literature, and is the author of Don Quixote.
Miguel de Cervantes.
Subgenre in which the adventures of a hero are told in a poetic narrative (facts are narrated but the structure is in verse).
In this text, Ulysses, one of the survivors of the Trojan War, is going back to his native island: Ithaca.
The Odyssey
It has 4002 verses, distributed in small stanzas. It is believed to be inspired by an event suffered by the army of Charlemagne, at 15 August from 778, in a gorge of Roncesvalles, where the nephew of Charlemagne, Roldan (or Roland), died.
The Song of Roland
Kinds of narrators and kinds of characters.
Narrators: the protagonist, secondary character, omniscent, second person. Characters: main, secondary, incidental, environmental, static, dynamic, round, plain.
It is often about a national topic. Spanish pride stands out as something heroic. It exalts religion and honor. The language is natural and expressive.
Some features of the theater of Lope de Vega.
The literary figure enumeration appears in several chapters to mention something in more detail.
Characterisitic of Epic Poem.
One of the greatest aspects of this literature was the philosophy and wisdom that it’s displayed.
Chinese Literature.
The poem recounts the adventures of Diaz de Vivar, the quintessential gentleman of the time.
The Poem of the Cid
Can be classified into different categories: (name the three categories and examples)
Tragedy: Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet Comedy: A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice Historical Dramas: Henry IV, Henry VIII, Richard III.
Also called "Gongorism" since Luis de Gongora y Argote was its greatest exponent.