Similarities between all city-states
What is
- same religion
-same language
-participating in the Olympic Games?
the reason Spartan boys were treated so harshly while being raised.
What is being raised to be warriors/soldiers?
Socrates' method of teaching
What is asking questions?
how Caesar's personality was described by Pompey
What is arrogant/powerhungry/proud?
the war where Persia attacked Athens and was defeated because Greece military was better than Persian military.
What is the Persian War
Differences between all city-states
What is
-different governments
-different gods/goddesses
-different myths/legends?
the name of Athens' league AND the name of Sparta's league
What is the Delian league and the Peloponnesian league?
the focus of Aristotle's philosophy.
What is ethics and being a good person?
how Caesar fell from power during his dictatorship.
What is assassination by the Senate?
the war where Romans hated Carthage, demanded Carthage to move their city, and destroyed Carthage when they did not move.
a competition based event for all city-states in honor of Zeus
What are the Olympic Games?
a similarity in Athens and Sparta
What is that both city-states have voting systems in place?
the focus of Plato's philosophy.
What is finding the perfect society?
the impact that Alexander the Great had on Greek culture
What is Hellenization or the spread of Greek culture?
the war where General Hannibal of Carthage attacked Rome, but Rome retaliated by conquering Spain and attacking Carthage.
What is the Second Punic War?
a type of government where power is taken, usually illegally or by force
What is tyranny
the different purposes of education in Athens and Sparta.
What is that Athens focused on citizens living a good life and Sparta focused on raising warriors?
the meaning of Aristotle's philosophy on extremes in virtue
What is Aristotle believed that qualities are on a spectrum that could be too little or too much but virtue is right in the middle?
the difference between Caesar and Augustus
What is Caesar refused to share power while Augustus was willing to work with the government?
the war where Sparta attacked Athens because they were threatened by Athens' rise in power that ended with the end of Athens' Golden Age.
What is the Peloponnesian War?
The difference between aristocracy and oligarchy
What is oligarchy is a ruling group of people who are not determined by wealth and aristocracy is a ruling group of people who are wealthy?
5 ways that Athenian democracy was limited.
What are
- women had no rights
-slaves had no rights
-foreigners had no rights
- voting process was slow
-corruption occurred in Athens democracy
the difference between Socrates and previous philosophers
What is that Socrates focused on ethics and people's lives and former philosophers focused on natural phenomena?
the leader who legalized Christianity and the law that made it legal.
What is Constantine and the Edict of Milan
the war where Carthage attempted to conquer Sicily but was stopped when Rome defended Sicily and conquered it for themselves
What is the First Punic War?