It's the thought that counts
Why can't we be friends?
All Roads Lead to Rome
Alexander thhhhheeeeeeee Great!
The rise of Christianity
This man's way of teaching was through questioning. He was accused (wrongly) of denying the existence of Greek God and Corrupting the Athenian Youth. As a result, he was executed at the age of 70.
Who is Socrates.
This war was between Athens and Persia. (Not a trick question).
Persian Wars
Roman society composed of less than 10% of this class of people.
What is Patricians.
He built this city named after him in Egypt.
What is Alexandria.
The religion of Christianity was found by this Jewish teacher and followers of him.
Who is Jesus of Nazareth (Jesus Christ).
This man believed that knowledge had to be studied logically through as many facts as possible. His process of organization is an important part of modern science.
Who is Aristotle.
This leader used money from the Delian League and spent it on Athens. As a result Athens went through a "Golden Age." This led to mistrust from other league members.
Who is Pericles.
This was the name given to a series of three wars in which Rome fought Carthage.
What is the Punic Wars.
His father, Phillip II, had Alexander trained and educated by this man.
Who is Aristotle.
This is the principle that Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are all in one, yet different.
What is the Trinity
This man's "Theory of Forms," dealt with the idea that all material things in the universe are imperfect copies of things from a place of perfect and universal ideas.
Who is Plato.
This war was fought between rival city-states (Athens and Sparta), that had previous quarrels over trade, mistrust, and government.
What is the Peloponnesian War.
This is the formal date given to the fall of the Roman Empire.
What is 476 C.E.
This was the furthest point Alexander got to when he embarked on his journey through the known world.
What is India (or Indus River)
This is the title given to people who oversee parishes.
What is a Bishop.
There is no evidence that this man ever lived. Nor was he the first to use this mathematical formula (a2+b2 = c2), but he still got all the credit.
Who is Pythagoras
This term describes "Greek-like" way of life that combined ideas and values drawn from the Mediterranean and Asia.
What is Hellenistic Culture
Although it is debated whether this ruler was actually Christian, he did paint the cross on flags and shields before the battle of Melvian Bridge.
Who is Constantine.
Alexander the Great returned to this city after defeating Indians (from India), where he died of a fever.
What is Babylon
Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Confession, Last Rights, Matrimony, and Ordination are all part of this.
What is the Seven Sacraments.
This man is credited with being the first historian of the western world.
Who is Herodutos.
This emperor is credited with the first mass persecution of Christians. He used them as a scapegoat when Rome burned down in 64 C.E..
Who is Nero.
This is the number (in miles) of roads built by the Romans.
What is 52,000
Alexander the Great died in what year?
What is 323 B.C.E.
Constantine issued this; which returned confiscated property to Christians and increased their social and political status.
What is Edict of Milan.