Medicine that gets rid of a particular poison
What is an antidote.
a three sided shape
What is a triangle.
someone in upper management or runs the store
What is a manager.
not including
What is except.
lever to ride a bike
What is a pedal.
a liquid to stop something from freezing
What is antifreeze.
a group of movies or books
What is a trilogy.
a book that holds instructions
What is a manual.
to take in
What is to accept.
a treatment for the feet
What is a pedicure.
a substance you apply to stop odor
What is an anti-deodorant.
1,000 multiplied 3 times
What is a trillion.
using your hands
What is manually.
conceiving a child
What is conception.
a person walking through the street on foot
What is a pedestrian.
the opposite of the normal clock movement
What is anticlockwise.
to be able to speak 3 languages
What is trilingual.
performed with two hand
What is bimanual.
willing to accept new ideas
What is receptive.
a tool for estimating distanced traveled on foot
What is a pedometer.
poopsed towards academic principles
What is antiacademic.
a mathematical study of figures with '3' angles
What is Trigonometry.
someone who copies a manuscript
Who is an amanuensis.
likely to be harmed
What is susceptible.
a book giving information
What is an encyclopedia.