A short tale that teaches a lesson, features talking animals.
What is a fable?
The father of medicine.
Who is Hippocrates
The writer of The Iliad and The Odyssey.
Who is Homer?
The leader of the gods, controls the sky and weather
What is Zeus
The writer of the Republic and the Thinker of the Allegory of the cave
Who is Plato?
The most famous Greek fable writer who wrote "The Boy who Cried Wolf"
Who is Aesop?
The father of History.
Who is Herodotus?
The reason for the Trojan War, the most beautiful woman of her era.
Who is Helen?
God of the sea and earthquakes
Who is Poseidon?
A student of Plato who classified many things in fields such as biology, friendship and government.
Who is Aristotle?
The earliest Greek Dramatist who wrote the Oresteia.
Who is Aeschylus?
The father of Geometry.
Who is Euclid?
The main character of the Iliad who gets shot in his ankle.
Who is Achilles?
The Goddess of wisdom and battle tactics.
Who is Athena
The philosophy that people should seek happiness through physical pleasure
What is Epicureanism?
Athenian writer who wrote about suffering as a real part of life. Wrote the Antigone.
Who is Sophocles?
This man found the length of the Hypotenuse of a triangle.
Who is Pythagoras?
The one eyed monster that Odysseus tricks.
What is the Cyclops?
The Goddess of the hearth and fireplaces.
Who is Hestia?
A group of philosophers who taught science, history and rhetoric, and accepted money for their teachings.
What are Sophists?
The most famous Greek comedy writer who wrote Lysistrata.
Who is Aristophanes?
Is sometimes called the first Scientist.
Who is Thales
This man wrote The Argonautica.
Who is Apollonius
The God of healing and medicine, has a staff of snakes, is invoked in the Hippocratic Oath.
Who is Aesculapius?
The philosophy created by Zeno, stressed logic.
What is stoicism?