The king of the gods, god of lightning and the sky
Who is Zeus?
Who is Hera?
God of war
What do we call a land surrounded by water on three sides?
Which form of government means "rule by the people" and comes from the Greek words "demos" (people)?
God of the Underworld, the dead, and wealth
Who is Hades?
Goddess of agriculture, grain, and the harvest
Who is Demeter?
God of truth, light, music, poetry, archery, prophecy, medicine, plague, and the sun
Who is Apollo/Apollon?
What does it mean to be immortal?
to live forever
What type of government is ruled by a small group of wealthy people?
Who is Poseidon?
Goddess of the hearth, family, and home, gave up her role as an Olympian to Dionysus
Who is Hestia?
God of travelers, thieves, merchants, and thieves
Who is Hermes?
What is a group of islands scattered in a body of water called?
Which government is ruled by the "high-born" rich nobles?
God of wine and partying
Who is Dionysus?
Goddess of wisdom, warfare, and weaving
Who is Athena/Athene?
Goddess of the hunt and the moon
Who is Artemis?
What term describes a city that is also its own country?
City-State or Polis
What was the main purpose of an assembly in Ancient Greece?
A large meeting where people gathered together
God of blacksmiths, fire, and metalworking
Who is Hephaestus?
Goddess of love and beauty
Who is Aphrodite?
Queen of the Underworld, goddess of Spring
Who is Persephone?
What is a colony in Ancient Greece?
A settlement
In Sparta, what was a helot?
A slave