The three main Philosophers are Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
What are the three main Philosophers?
One of the first Philosophers, Socrates, taught young Athenian men that democracy is bad and that philosophers should rule.
What were one of the rules that Socrates taught?
One of the ugliest men in Athens and the father of Philosophy.
What was Socrates known for?
The first ever traditional school was called "The Academy."
What was the school that Plato built?
Aristotle was the best of Plato's students at the academy.
What is Aristotle best for at the academy?
Plato discussed every kind of philosophical idea, including topics such as censorship and the ideal state are discussed. Atheism, Dualism and Pantheism, Epistemology where he looked at ideas such as a prior knowledge and Rationalism. The Philosophy of Mathematics and the Theory of Art especially dance, music, poetry, architecture, and drama.
What are some ideas of Plato?
Aristotle worked for physical and metal strength and that was his way of teaching people at his school.
What were the two ways Aristotle taught?
Socrates ways of getting answers was to go up to random people at a market and ask questions about life.
What was Socrates ways to get answers?
In the allegory of the cave, Plato is trying to make us understand that the main theme of the allegory is that we are ignorant about the true nature of reality.
What was the main idea about the science behind the Allegory of the Cave?
Aristotle's philosophy was about biology. He believed the world was made up of individuals occurring in fixed natural species. Each individual has built-in patterns of development and it grows towards a fully developed individual of its kind
What did Aristotle believe in?
A person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline.
What is a Philosopher
The Socratic method, also known as method of a Socratic debate, is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.
What is the Socratic method of teaching?
Socrates went around the market asking a bunch of random questions about life. He got ignored by a bunch of grownups but got a following from the Athenian children.
Plato's allegory of the cave as a metaphor is like life being a dream. Plato learned that mortal life was literally a dream state of advanced human beings. Mortality is represented by the shadows and does not represent reality.
What is the allegory of the cave a metaphor for?
Aristotle was the best of the Plato's students at the academy. At seventeen or eighteen years of age, he joined Plato's Academy in Athens and remained there until the age of thirty-seven.
What was Aristotle best known for at the academy and when did he join the academy?
Most of what we know about Socrates comes from the works of Plato, who was his pupil. Socrates lived in the Greek city of Athens. His method of teaching was to have a dialogue with individual students. They would propose some point of view, and Socrates would question them, asking what they meant.
How do we know about Socrates?
According to Socrates, people were either born with a good side or bad side and was never both.
Socrates taught the next generation of Athenian men. He was arrested for corrupting the youth in Athens and disrespecting gods. He was guilty.
Why did he commit suicide and drank poison.
Plato argues that the soul is eternal and in his later works, he plays with the idea of the afterlife. He also explains the soul as having three functions which are reason, emotion, and desire.
What were Plato's main beliefs?
Some of Aristotle's main interest were biology, zoology, psychology, physics, metaphysics, logic, ethics, rhetoric, music, poetry, economics, politics, and government.
What were Aristotle's main interest?
Aristotle is one of the most important philosophers and thinkers in history. He was the first to investigate logic. He promoted systematic observation and thought in biology, physics, law, literature and ethics. His philosophy, logic and understanding lasted still today.
Why is Aristotle important?
Socrates advocated self understanding and felt so strongly about it that he thought it more important than any other pursuit in life. Strive to discover who you are, what is your life mission, and what you are trying to become.
What was the main teaching Socrates taught?
Philosophy itself is a kind of “training for dying,” a purification of the philosopher's soul from its bodily attachment. Socrates concludes that it would be unreasonable for a philosopher to fear death, since upon dying he is most likely to obtain the wisdom which he has been seeking his whole life.
What did Socrates say about death?
Plato opened a new world where people thought they were in a reality but was actually a test subject for a new dimension for people's thoughts would become a reality.
What did Plato open?
Aristotle's teachings is about The Golden Mean, which is the balance between two extremes. There would be Logic, Credibility and Emotional Connection.
What was Aristotle's teachings and what does it mean?