Number of geometries Greeks discovered
What is 3? (Subconscious geometry, scientific geometry, systematic geometry)
The creator of Pythagorean Theorem
Who is Pythagoras of Thames?
The origin of polygons (found in nature)
What is a spiderweb?
The first word in the first paragraph (logic)
What is ‘one’?
The first, and most basic kind of geometry
What is subconscious geometry?
The Pythagorean Theorem
What is a^2+b^2=c^2?
Creator of Pi
Who is Archimedes of Syracuse?
Pythagoras’ birthday
What is 570 BC?
The second type of geometry the Greeks used
What is scientific geometry?
The shape that Pythagorean theorem is used for
Greek number system
What is a base 60 system?
Aristotle’s school
What is The Lyceum?
The most advanced kind of geometry the Greeks made
What is systematic geometry?
x = −b ± √(b^2 − 4ac)/2a
What is the quadratic formula?
The person who had a closer approximation of Pi
Who was Apollonius of Tyana?
Free space
What is a free space?
The creator of systematic geometry
Who is Thales of Miletus?
Buoyant force = density x gravity x volume
The influence for most Greek math
What is Egypt?
The first 50 digits of Pi
What is 3.141592653589793238462643383279 5028841971693993751?