The first person to explain the universe without mythology; created the first geometry theorem; believed water was the beginning of matter and life
Thales (626-548 B.C.)
Created the earliest variant on integral calculus, the "method of exhaustion"; compared area ratios to radius ratios; pushed Greek math away from algebraic invention and back towards geometry; used ratios instead of pure numbers for most math
Eudoxus (390-337 B.C.)
Invented the vending machine, fire engine pump, and a type of fountain; built a mechanical stage play; algorithm for square roots; used that for area of a triangle
Hero (or Heron) of Alexandria (10-70 A.D.)
What "A-word" describes assumptions you can believe without needing to prove them?
Which sport is the most popular one to play on farms?
Created "Proof by Contradiction"; explored lunes in his "Elements"; tried to find area of a circle using an impossible method of dividing circles into parts
Hippocrates of Chios (470-410 B.C.)
Euclid of Alexandria (4th-3rd century B.C.)
Hypatia's father; recorded and commented on the Almagest and Euclid's Elements; might have created the astrolabe
Theon of Alexandria (335-405 A.D.)
What are the two types of axioms?
Common notions and postulates.
If you want to move faster, which part of your body should you exercise?
"The laughing philosopher"; early father of atomic theory; discovered that cone volume is 1/3 of cylinder volume
Democritus (460-370 B.C.)
Used displaced water to compare mass, volume, and density; used geometric series (e.g. 2+6+18+54+... or 16+8+4+2+1+1/2...); created infinitesimals and most volume formulas
Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 B.C.)
The first major female mathematician; overcame sexism and difficult circumstances to become the most famous mathematician of her era; made improvements to Long Division techniques and understanding of conic shapes
Hypatia (370-415 A.D.)
What "p-word" is commonly used to describe Euclid's 465 theorems?
In which sport do you need to have a big stomach?
May have originated the Platonic solids; used tension ratios to modulate sound arrangements; might have proven the theorem named after him
Pythagoras (570-495 B.C.)
Founded chronology (study of time); measured the circumference of Earth; miscalculated the Sun's diameter; might have invented Leap Day
Wrote several key treatises of different subjects, including optics, ratios, music, geography, and outer space; favored a geocentric model of the Solar System that remained dominant for centuries; shared his name with several famous kings
Ptolemy (100-170 A.D.)
Only two of the propositions in Elements do not rely on previous propositions. Which two?
I.1 and I.4
Which sport is played all over the planet Earth?
Liked to work with certain 3-D solids and associated them with the "four elements"; wrote "The Cave allegory" and "The Republic"; also lends his name to a friendly type of love
Plato (428-348 B.C.)
Called "The Philosopher" in medieval Europe; invented formal logic systems; taught many different subjects as an expert to leaders like Alexander the Great; established the Lyceum temple to Apollo
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
MATH CHALLENGE! What is the last digit in the number (11+17)2020?
6. (Hint: the pattern 8, 4, 2, 6, 8, 4, 2, 6... is useful)
What four topics form the main foundations of Elements?
Books I, II, III, IV, VI: Plane geometry
Books V, X: Magnitudes and ratios
Books VII, VIII, IX: Whole numbers and ratios
Books XI, XII, XIII: Solid geometry
I went to my friend Eung's sports game and cheered for him. What happened?
"Eung won." 응원