Zeus's favorite daughter
Who is Athena?
The ROMAN god of war
Who is Mars?
Apollo represented light and is connected to the sun, while his twin sister ____ is connected to the moon.
He was partially mortal and died each year.
This bird is a symbol for Hera
What is the peacock?
Home of the gods
What is Mt. Olympus?
The ugly, lame god pitied and respected by the other gods and married to the goddess of love and beauty
Who is Hephaestus?
Hermes the god of ___
What are travelers/messenger of the gods/ merchants/guide of the dead?
The father of Dionysus
Who is Zeus?
The Roman name for Hephaestus
What is Vulcan (or Mulciber)?
The Greek goddess known as Diana by the Romans
Who is Artemis?
These gods were the Greeks' male and female "ideals"
Who are Apollo and Athena?
The god whose Roman name is the same as the Greek name
Who is Apollo?
Poisedon's weapon is the ___________
What is the trident?
This is a weapon symbol of Apollo
What is the bow and arrow?
Number of Olympian gods (not counting the two "great gods of the earth")
What is 12?
The three virgin goddesses
Who are Athena, Artemis, and Hestia?
Poseidon, the god of the ocean, storms, and _____________
What are earthquakes?
Son of Ares and Aphrodite
Who is Eros/Cupid?
The last thing left in Pandora's box after all of the bad things escaped into the world
What is Hope?
The god of wine and celebration
Who is Dionysus?
The Roman name Mercury refers to the god ____.
What is the cypress/the stag (deer)/the bow and arrow/the moon/a torch?
Apollo's and Artemis's titan mother
Who is Leto?
Most unusual aspect of Athena's birth
What is she stepped fully grown from the head of Zeus?