Wine and revelry are the forte of this Olympian.
Who is Dionysus?
Other than marriage what relationship do Zeus and Hera have?
What is a sibling relationship?
This Olympian was involved in the affair that led to the punishment of Medusa.
Who is Poseidon?
This Titan brought fire to humans and was later condemned to have his liver eaten by an eagle.
Who is Prometheus?
This Greek hero inspired an entire musical with his determination to see his wife and son.
Who is Oddyseus?
This season is the domain of Persephone Queen of the Underworld.
What is the spring?
The Goddess of the hunt and twin sister of Apollo.
Who is Artemis?
This woman was turned into a hideous monster by the Goddess Circe after rejecting the God Glaucus.
Who is Scylla?
This Titan was cursed to hold the sky on his back, luckily for him Hercules bore the weight of his punishment for a while.
Who is Atlas?
This famous Greek hero was renowned for his strength but struggled with a weakness near his foot.
Who is Achilles?
This non-Olympian Goddess controls the domain of night.
Who is Nyx?
This Greek Goddess is the oldest sibling of Zeus.
Who is Hestia?
This weaver challenged Athena to weaving contest that ended with her being turned into a giant spider.
Who is Arachne?
These two Titans are famously the parents of Zeus.
Who are Kronos and Rhea?
This Hero defeated the minotaur and later inspired a famous hypothetical.
Who is Theseus?
The Staff of Aesculapius is a single serpent wrapped around a rod that represents Aesculapius the God of medicine. Due to a mistake many hospitals use the the Caduceus which is the symbol of this God associated with trickery.
Who is Hermes?
This Goddess was born uniquely from the forehead of her father?
Who is Athena?
This prophet was blinded by Hera for siding with Zeus in an argument.
Who is Tiresias?
This Titan controlled the seas before Poseidon and the rest of the Olympions.
Who is Oceanus?
This group of sailors was led by Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece.
Who are the Argonaughts?
This is the Roman name for the Goddess known to the Greeks as Demeter.
What is Ceres?
This Goddess was the first wife of Hepheastus though they later split.
Who is Aphrodite?
Also known as the Oracle of Delphi this woman was cursed by Hades to never have a new host.
This Titan is the Goddess of memory and mother of the nine Muses.
Who is Mnemosyne?
This was the sixth of the famous twelve labors of Hercules.
What is driving away the stymphalian birds?