What is a lyre?
Goddess of defensive war, arts and crafts
Who is Athena?
Lord of the sea
Who is Poseidon?
Zeus's bride who was changed into a white cow and fled to Egypt.
Who is Io?
What is armor?
She arose from the sea and the Three Graces were her attendants.
Who is Aphrodite?
God of light and music
He had 100 eyes and was bored to death by Hermes.
Who was Argus?
What is a hammer?
Queen of gods
Who is Hera?
Herald of the gods; god of those living by wits
Who is Hermes?
Metalsmiths; Hephaestus's helpers
Who are the Cyclopes?
What is a peacock?
She sprang fully formed from the head of Zeus.
Who is Athena?
The constant companion of Ares.
Who is Eris, the goddess of discord?
The four things that follow war.
What is pain, panic, famine, oblivion?
What is a winged cap & sandals?
Mother of Athena; goddess of prudence
Who is Metis?
God of smiths and fire
Who is Hephaestus?
The spirit of victory, the constant companion of Athena
Who is Nike?