Where Prometheus was punished
What are the Caucasus Mountains?
How Hermes kept Apollo from finding out about the stolen cows
Hermes wrapped the hoofs of the cows with bark to disguise their footprints, and tied brooms to their tails so they would erase their own tracks. He also drove the cows backward out of the pasture and tied bundles of branches to his own feet, to appear as a giant who had led something into the pasture but not out.
to make a firm decision
Queen of the underworld; daughter of Demeter
Who is Persephone?
food of the gods that gave immortality
Most sacred place in Greece
What is Delphi?
Great hunter; constellation; son of Poseidon
Who is Orion?
What is a crevice or crack?
Persephone's trips to the underworld corresponded with these changes on earth
When Persephone was in the underworld, it was winter on earth, and nothing grew because Demeter grieved. When Persephone's footsteps were heard coming back to Earth, spring came and the whole Earth burst into bloom.
Where heroes were sent after death
What is Elysian fields?
God of merchants, travelers, thieves, shepherds
Who is Hermes?
What is a large mollusk shell (can be used as a trumpet)?
Valley nymphs who cared for young Dionysus
Who are the Maenads?
spoken smoothly without sincerity
Where Hermes was born
Where is Mount Cyllene?
Why Poseidon was called the Earthshaker.
When he struck the sea, the waves rose high and wrecked ships. When he struck the ground, the earth split open. He could also be calm and mild. During these times he raised new lands from the water.
hoodlums, rowdy people
a Nereid, wife of Poseidon
Who is Amphitrite?
conical heaps of stones built as markers
Island where Apollo and Artemis were born
What is Delos?
Old god of the sea; father of the 50 Nereids
Who is Nereus?
maturing earlier than usual, advanced
Dionysus's mother, a mortal
Who is Semele?
A shady place covered with plants