When Pandora's jar was opened, this was preserved.
What is hope?
He lost control of his father's sun chariot and was destroyed by Zeus.
Who is Phaethon?
Beloved of Echo who was turned into a white flower.
Who is Narcissus?
The teacher of heroes in Greece.
Who is Chiron?
The mother of the nine muses.
Who is Mnemosyne?
The virtuous wife of Deucalion.
Who is Pyrrha?
The husband of Eos who was granted eternal life, but not eternal youth.
Who is Tithonus?
Who is Daphne?
The daughter of Asclepius who kept her patients clean.
Who is Hygeia?
On the slopes of this mountain the Muses played and sang.
Where is Mount Parnassus?
The name of the West Wind, gentle and pleasant.
What is Zephyr?
Selene's husband who remains asleep.
Who is Endymion?
She was transformed into a reed and Pan used her to create his instrument.
Who is Syrinx?
Father of the centaurs and king of the Lapith.
Who is Ixion?
Orpheus's bride who died on her wedding day.
Who is Euridice?
He became the keeper of the four winds.
Who is Aeolus?
When the gods swore by this they could not break their vow.
What is the river Styx?
The river god who was the father of Daphne.
Who is Ladon?
These gave Asclepius the secrets of the earth allowing him to heal any person.
What are snakes?
The avenging furies in Hades.
What are Erinyes?
A stronger race of mortals, better able to endure miseries.
What is Deucalion's Race?
They were the five daughters of Helios.
Who are the Heliades?
The old satyrs were called this.
What are sileni?
Where Chiron instructed and trained his pupils.
Where is Mount Pelion?
Orpheus's father was king of this city.
What is Thrace?