Greek Temples 1
Greek Temples 2
Greek Statues
Roman Art 1
Roman Art 2
This first order of Greek architecture is characterized by plain capitals, fat columns with no base, and a frieze made up of metopes and triglyphs.
What is Doric?
This mathematical formula indicates the relationship between the number of columns on the short and long sides of a Greek temple.
What is 2x + 1?
This term means "youth" and refers to votive statues of young men in Archaic Greece.
What is kouros?
This first emperor of Rome is shown in a statue with armor, an elegant contrapposto stance mimicking the Classical Doryphoros, and bare feet indicating his holiness as a godlike Emperor.
Who is Augustus Caesar?
This intersection between two barrel vaults can be found multiple times in the interior hallways of the Colosseum.
What is a groin vault?
This second order of Greek architecture is defined by the use of rams-horn shaped capitals.
What is Ionic?
This most famous Doric temple contained a colossal statue of Athena during the Classical period.
What is the Parthenon?
This adjective is often used to describe Archaic statues of young men, indicating that they have a stiff, serious posture with little movement.
What is rigid?
This emperor built the Colosseum on the ruins of his predecessor Nero's controversial pleasure palace.
Who is Vespasian?
This enormous temple built by Hadrian for all of the Roman gods claimed the largest unsupported concrete dome for over 18 centuries.
What is the Pantheon?
This third order of Greek architecture makes use of acanthus leaf decoration on its capitals.
What is Corinthian?
This sculptor was responsible for creating the Parthenon's gold-and-ivory statue of Athena.
Who is Pheidias?
This is an Italian word meaning "counter-balance" which characterizes sculpture of the Classical period in Greece.
What is contrapposto?
The Colosseum makes use of this new building material developed by the Romans which allowed for greater size and versatile shapes of buildings.
What is concrete?
This sunken panel in a vault or ceiling served both an aesthetic and a structural purpose in the Roman Pantheon.
What is a coffer?
Which politician commissioned the new Acropolis temples in the mid-5th century BC?
Who is Pericles?
This element of the Doric frieze is characterized by three vertical lines carved into stone.
What is a triglyph?
This hero of Hellenistic sculpture was actually a Trojan enemy of Greece and is shown with his sons writhing away from an attacking snake.
Who is Laocoön?
These architectural elements, which were usually structural in Greek buildings, are purely decorative in the Colosseum.
What are columns?
This Latin word for "eye" refers to the round central opening in a dome.
What is an oculus?
This inner room of the Greek temple housed the cult statue of the god or goddess.
What is the naos or cella?
This element of the Doric frieze can either be plain or carved with relief sculpture.
What is a metope?
This Classical Greek statue by Polykleitos demonstrates contrapposto and the artist's standards of perfection in male sculpture.
What is the Doryphoros?
These are curved structures that span a space.
What are arches?
This is the original name of the Colosseum. It refers to the family name of the emperor who built it, Vespasian Flavius.
What is the Flavian Amphitheater?