The personification of the Earth. She was the ancestral mother of all life: the primal Mother Earth goddess.
Who is Gaia?
Who is Terra?
This was the weapon of choice for Zeus, the king of the gods and ruler on Mount Olympus.
What was a lightning bolt?
Because Persephone ate six pomegranate pips while in Hades, she spent six months in the underworld and six months in the upper world, explaining these yearly climate changes.
What are the seasons?
Son of Zeus. Greatest of the Greek heroes. Known for his strength and masculinity.
Who is Hercules?
Father Time who maintained the course and cycles of seasons and the periods of time.
Who is Chronos?
Who is Saturn?
This is the name of the underworld and the god who ruled there.
What/Who is Hades?
Eros, Greek god of love and desire, is also known by this Roman name.
Who is Cupid?
Invulnerable, except his heel where his mother held him when she dipped him in the River Styx.
Who is Achilles?
Condemned to hold up the sky after losing the last Titan Battle, the name of this Titan also refers to a collection of maps.
Who was Atlas?
This goddess of wisdom sprang from Zeus’s head, fully grown and in armor. What a headache.
Who is Athena?
Who is Minerva?
The nine goddesses of inspiration, both in the arts and sciences.
Who are the Muses?
Bellerophon, a son of Poseidon, captured and rode this white, winged creature when he slew the Chimera.
What is a pegasus?
Prometheus was punished for this act.
What is stealing fire and giving it to man?
The goddess of love and beauty.
Who is Aphrodite/Venus?
Daily Double
Charon was the ferryman who carried the souls of the dead across this is the border into Hades.
What is the River Styx?
Pollux was the son of Zeus and the mortal Leda. His fraternal twin brother Castor was mortal. They become this constellation and sign of the Zodiac.
What is the Gemini Twins?
This Portland, Oregon–based athletic shoe, apparel, and sports equipment company is named after the goddess of victory.
What is Nike?
Poseidon is the god of the seas, water, and of this animal, which he created from the foam as waves touched the shore.
What is the horse?
Triton, the son of Poseidon, was half-man and half-fish and the first of these mythical beings.
What are merpeople?
A string, called a clue, helped this son of Poseidon escape the labyrinth after slaying the minotaur.
Who is Theseus?