What is the Greek root for earth?
Geo is the Greek root for earth.
What does anti mean?
Anti means against.
How many roots are in this word, Geographic.
There are 2, Geo and graph.
What does the root word phil mean?
A. Heart
B. Love
C. Feel
The answer is B.
Phil means Love.
Give one example for the Greek root word schem.
Possible answers: Scheme or schematic.
What is the Greek root for word/study?
Logos is the Greek root for word, study.
What 2 roots mean water?
Hydra and aqu.
Which word has a Greek root that we have learned about in it.
I am hoping to go on a peaceful vacation in the tropics.
Tropics has the Greek root of tropos.
What does photo mean?
a. picture
b. memories
c. none of the above
The answer is c. none of the above.
Photo means light.
Give an example of the Greek root chrono.
Possible answers: Chronological, chronicle, and synchronize.
What does graph mean?
Graph means write.
What does dyna mean?
Dyna means power.
What Greek root is in logic?
The Greek root word in logic is logos.
What does biblio mean?
A. Read
B. Book
C. None of the above
The answer is B.
Biblio means book.
Give one example of the Greek root, syn.
Possible answers: Synchronize or synonym.
What is the Greek root for feel?
The Greek root for feel is path.
What does chrome mean?
Chrome means color.
How many Greek roots are in this sentence.
I will call you on the telephone later to talk about my new autobiography, called My Journey.
5: tele, phon, auto, bio, graph.
Which root is used in the word, telekinesis?
A. Kinesis
B. Tele and kin
C. Tele and kinesis
D. None of the above
The answer is C.
Tele and kinesis are used in the word, telekinesis.
Figure out what this word's definition is, based on the root words, Autobiography.
This word means a self (auto) written (graph) story about the author’s life (bio).
What does tele mean?
Tele means far.
What does tropos mean
Tropos means turning
Name all of the Greek roots in this sentence.
I have just quit from being an astronaut. Now I am going to be a Geologist.
The answer is ast, geo, and logos.
Which of the following sentences are incorrectly using a Greek root?
A. On Friday we are going to the aquarium.
B. When someone is sad I give them a sympathy gift.
C. Tomorrow, I will be going to O'Reilly's Auto Parts.
The answer is C, because O'Reilly's Auto Parts is the name of a store.
Name 5 examples of the Greek root word, Phone.
Possible answers: Telephone, microphone, phonograph, saxophone, xylophone, megaphone, phonics.