Citadel in Athens
Large wooden structure behind the stage
Name 5 key themes from Oedipus the King
Truth, Justice, Sight/Blindness, Prophecy, Action/Reflection, Fate
Name 5 characters from the Bacchae
Dionysus, Pentheus, Cadmus, Semele, Messenger, Autonoe etc
Oedipus was first performed in c.429 BC. What historical event happened in Athens in 430 BC?
The Great Plague of Athens
Money for poor citizens to attend the City Dionysia
Theoric Fund
Wheeled platform
Which character does Oedipus order to be tortured?
The Shepherd
Why has Bacchae come to Thebes (give two reasons)
1. To avenge his mother's death 2. To show the people he is a God
Which of our plays won first prize at the Dionysia?
The Bacchae
Short outer garment worn by Ancient Greeks
Entry way into the Orchestra
What does Jocasta call Oedipus and Creon when she catches them arguing?
"Poor, misguided men!"
Who said the following line: "Go worship your Bacchus, but do not wipe your madness off on me."
Name three functions of a mask
To allow actors to change characters, voice projection, convey expression for audience at the back, to show gender etc.
Athenian Chief Magistrate
Eponymous Archon
Wedge-shaped seating section
Who speaks the following lines: "count no man happy till he dies, free of pain at last"
The Chorus
Name the 3 main symbols of Dionysus, adopted by the Bacchants.
Fawn-skin, Thrysus, Ivy
Which war happened before the first performance of our plays, and which was happening during?
Before: Persian Wars
After: Peloponnesian War
Musician in the chorus
Stairway into the theatre
What is Jocasta about to do when she enters the palace, "carrying a suppliant's branch wound in wool." (Be specific)
Praying to the god of Apollo, begging, "set us free of this defilement!"
From where did the Bacchants come from? (be specific)
Mount Tmolus, Lydia
The dithyramb is an important tradition in the history of tragic theatre. What is it, and in which century did it originate?
Choral song/dance honouring Dionysus. 7th Century BC.