Greek Figures
Greek Plays
Parts of the Amphitheater
Greek Traditions
Bonus review

This Greek Playwright is the only Comedic Playwright we covered in class, he wrote the play The Frogs. 

Who is Aristophanes? 


This was a Funny Play, That poked fun at the nobility, and society. 

What is a Comedy?


Where were the Greek Amphitheaters located 

What is Greece? 


This Group of People was not allowed to perform in the Amphitheater, to make up for it men dressed as them.  

Who are women? 


What is a Speech Performed by one actor to another actor or Group of Performers 

What is a Monologue? 


 Plot, Characters, Theme, Language, Music, and Spectacle were all used to create a good Greek Tragedy, they are know as Aristotle's what 

What are Aristotle's Poetics? 


A Sad play, where the Main character suffers from an epic downfall. 

What is a Tragedy? 


Where the audience sits, also called the Viewing place. 

What is the Theatron? 


This item was worn by actors to show their character and help amplify their voices. 

What is a Mask? 


This is the side offstage that is masked by the Legs. Performers will wait in this area before they go on stage.

What are the Wings? 


This Greek Playwright was responsible for adding background information to his plays, it helped him a lot when he wrote Antigone.  

Who is Sophocles? 


Haemon and Eurydice are two of the Three people killed in this play by Sophocles

What is Antigone? 


This is where the Musicians, actors, and Chorus performed, the playing space  

What is the Orchestra? 


This was a Group of Performers who acted as Narrators of the play. 

What is the Greek Chorus? 


The large curtain closest to the Audience.

What is the Grand Drape?


This is the first Tragic Playwright , Also known as the Father of Greek Theatre 

Who is Aeschylus? 


This is a Comedic Play about Dionysus going to the underworld and along the way he meets a frog chorus, written by Aristophanes. 

What is the Frogs 


The Performer Entrances and Exits in a Greek Amphitheater 

What are the Parados? 


This was a days long  Theatre Festival used to celebrate the God Dionysus. Comedic and tragic plays were performed here. 

What is the Festival of Dionysia? 


An actors movement on the stage 

What is Blocking?


This Greek Playwright may not be as famous as the Others but he is known for his famous play Medea

Who is Euripides? 


A Greek Tragedy written by Aeschylus about a Greek King who is killed by his wife and Lover.  

What is Agamemnon? 


 This building was first used as a dressing room and storage area but soon the building was painted to look like a set piece. Also called the Scenic Building

What is the Skene 


He was the first Greek Actor 

Who is Thespis 


They are  responsible for the box office, everything that happens in the lobby, everything that happens in the audience, and the custodians.

Who is the House Manager?