Who is the Coordinator of Greek Life at ULM?
Adrienne Drago
What does NPHC stand for?
National Pan-Hellenic Council
What does IFC stand for?
Interfraternity Council
What does CPC stands for?
College Panhellenic Council
What is the name of ULM's Newspaper?
The Hawkeye
SGLA (Southeastern Greek Leadership Association)
How many NPHC organizations are active at ULM?
Name all four IFC fraternities at ULM.
Kappa Alpha, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Phi
What does PNM stand for?
Potential New Member
What was ULM before it was called ULM
How many CPC, IFC, NPHC chapters are there at ULM?
Who is the NPHC president?
Kewann Smith
What does BBN stand for?
Boys Bid Night
Who is CPC president?
Jaci Ervin or Mary Grace
What year was ULM founded?
Name Three pageants hosted by greek organizations at ULM?
Miracle Man, Miss Black and Gold, Lady of the Nile, Mr. Ivy League
When is the Joint Probate this semester?
April 10
Who is IFC President?
Drake Prunty
Name all three CPC presidents
Laura Lee Mayfield, Landre Schaufele, Haley Hoover
College of Arts Education and Science, College of Health Sciences, College of Pharmacy and Toxicology, College of Business and Social Sciences
Name someone from every greek org on our campus.
Answers May Vary
Name every NPHC organization on campus
Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Delta Sigma theta, Sigma Gamma Rho, Zeta Phi Beta
Name one IFC event hosted on campus.
Answers May Vary
Name one philanthropy event hosted by a CPC organization.
Answers may vary: Miracle Man, Strike Out Arthritis, Shamrock, ect.
Name 10 Non-Greek RSOs
Answers May Vary