Literary Terms
Main Ideas
Gods Vs. Mortals
the overall feeling a work of literature creates for the reader
What is mood
Midas is consumed by this negative trait, which ultimately leads him to get a wish that turns out to be a curse.
What is greed
This character is the blind prophet of the Oracle Apollo
Who is Tiresias
This story explains that you should be grateful for what you have. Greed leads to the downfall of many powerful men.
What is the Myth of King Midas
Athena turned this woman in to a monster, who turns men to stone because she was jealous of her relationship with Poseiden.
Who is Medusa
a story that portrays the downfall or destruction of a protagonist of high birth that also deal with universal issues and ends with the protagonist being brought low and isolated from society
What is a Greek Tragedy
Perseus is so consumed with this negative trait that he sets off on a mission that could ultimately lead to his own death
What is revenge
This character decides to exact revenge on the gods for causing the death of his family.
Who is Perseus
These characters try to defy their ___________ by throwing away their newborn baby before he can kill his father and marry his mother. We know that people can not out-run their __________.
What is prophecy/fate
The Gods treated the mortals as if they were ___________.
What are puppets, playthings
the character weakness of the tragic hero that causes his downfall
What is tragic flaw
Hades is not able to get over the fact that Zeus rules on Mt. Olympus and he rules the underworld - due to the trickery of Zeus and Posieden. He is consumed with by this negative trait.
What is jealousy
This character wishes for everything he touches to turn to gold.
Who is Midas
This character is will not accept __________ from the Gods, but chooses to remain a mortal because he feels the Gods are _______________.
What is help/ ruthless
This mortal exacted revenge on this God for destroying his family - even if it was an accident.
Who are Perseus and Hades
because one things happens it causes another to happen and so on - the event are usually connected
What is causality
Oedipus chooses not believe any of the prophecies and does not accept the advice being given to him by many different people. He spends the story mentally ________ and ends the story physically ___________.
What is blind
This God grants Midas's wish, even though he knows it's a bad idea. He later shows him mercy and ungrants him the wish.
Who is Dionysus
This occurs when the situation that is expected to happen, does not happen, and in fact the opposite of the expected situation happens.
What is situational irony
The royal family of Argos was punished because they did this. And, in order to save the city, they needed to do this.
What is compared their daughter's beauty to that of the Gods and Goddesses. Sacrifice her.
a recurrent image of idea throughout the play - Ex: blindness
What is motif
Jocasta knows that society and Oedipus will __________ her, so he decides to kills herself before that can happen.
What is shame
This character is hasty, has a bad temper, is too prideful to see the truth, and ultimately causes his own downfall due to these flaws.
Who is Oedipus
This occurs when the audience knows something that the characters in the story do not. Give an example from two of the stories we have read.
What is dramatic irony
The Gods determined a fate for Oedipus long before he was born. He tried avoiding this fate by doing what? How was he not successful?
What is running away from home. No, those were his adopted parents, but he didn't take the time to find that out before leaving.