Greeks society and political structure
religion and its beliefs
The Development of Greek Theatre
Key Beliefs and Philosophical Ideas in Greek Theatre

Ancient Greece was not one big country but many small city-states called _____



The Ancient Greeks were..

polytheistic- worshipping more than one god/being.


Early shows were connected to festivals for

Dionysus- the god of drama and wine


Fate and Free Will: A big theme in Greek tragedies was ____.

Fate and Free Will: A big theme in Greek tragedies was fate. Greeks believed that many parts of life were determined by the gods and that humans had little control. However, many plays also showed struggles between fate and free will. For instance, in Sophocles’ "Oedipus Rex", Oedipus fights against a fate he cannot escape.


The most famous city-states were ____, ______, ______, and ______

Athens, Sparta, Corinth, and Thebes.


The most important gods were known as the...

Olympian gods


Drama as a Reflection of Society: Greek theatre connected closely with

Athenian life.


=Hubris (Excessive Pride): Characters in Greek tragedies often showed hubris, or too much _____

Hubris (Excessive Pride): Characters in Greek tragedies often showed hubris, or too much pride, leading them to ignore the gods. This pride often brought about their downfall, teaching lessons about humility.


Athens was well-known for its what?

Athens was well-known for its culture and ideas.


Each city-state also had its own special god; for example, Athens worshipped ______

Athena- the goddess of wisdom and arts.


Playwrights like _______

Playwrights like Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides used their plays to explore individual and societal consequences of choices.


Sparta: Unlike Athens, Sparta was focused on...

Sparta: Unlike Athens, Sparta was focused on strength and being a warrior. They valued discipline and teamwork. Spartan culture was more about fighting, which meant they produced fewer art and literature compared to Athens.


The Greek Pantheon: Greek myths and stories about their gods were crucial to their _____

The Greek Pantheon: Greek myths and stories about their gods were crucial to their plays. The gods were powerful and could be unpredictable, often acting like humans with feelings and flaws. The stories often showed conflicts between gods and people, which was important in Greek tragedies.


A group of men, called the _______, would perform these songs, telling stories or commenting on events.

A group of men, called the chorus, would perform these songs, telling stories or commenting on events. 


Athens: This was the heart of what?

Athens: This was the cultural heart of Ancient Greece. Athens was a democracy, meaning citizens (only free men from Athenian families) could vote on important issues. This system encouraged people to talk about ideas, debate, and express themselves creatively. Many famous thinkers, artists,  and playwrights came from Athens.


Religion was very important in Greek life and influenced....



Over time, actors were added, making performances more ______.
