Chestnuts roasting on an open fire _________
Jack Frost nipping at your nose
How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish?
"Feliz Navidad"
5th day of Christmas
5 Golden Rings
What number did Andrew wear in high school?
What was Grandma Green’s previous address?
111 St. Julien
I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need, I don't care about the ____________
presents underneath the Christmas tree
Elvis isn't going to have a white Christmas he's going to have a....
Blue Christmas
3rd day of Christmas
3 french hens
Name 3 family members with the same middle name? And what is it?
{Elizabeth}: Maggie, Kelsey, Cindi
Who has worked with one of the sharks on shark tank?
Uncle Mark with Mark Cuban
I’m dreaming of a white christmas just like the ones I used to know where the treetops glisten and children listen _____________
to hear the sleighbells in the snow
What are the two other most popular names for Santa Claus?
Kris Kringle and St. Nick
10th day of Christmas
10 lords of leaping
Because we're so ferda: How many greek life organizations are represented in this room (was at one point a member)?
7 (Alpha Delt, Beta, Pi Phi, TKE, DG, KKG, APhi)
What was Aunt Kelli’s high school mascot?
Galion Tigers
1st stanza: Silent night! Holy night! ____________
all is calm, all is bright
Which Hollywood actor played six different roles in The Polar Express?
Tom Hanks
8th day of Christmas
8 maids a milking
In Kelsey’s team choreography in Irish Dancing: what MLB mascot was imitated in the theme of the dance?
Pirates (Pittsburgh)
What color were Aunt Cindi’s bridesmaids dresses?
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go, take a look at the five and ten, it’s glistening once again, ____________
with candy canes and silver lanes that glow
In Home Alone 2, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?
Paris, France
11th day of Christmas
11 lords of leaping
Who was the oldest member of the family to jump off the double deck dock at Lake Norman in 2020?
Mark Munday
In the classic video of Maggie’s and my performance of “12 Days of Christmas” by Strait No Chaser, on the bowling machine in the old house, what college was Maggie representing on her shirt?
Indiana University