Faces of Greene
Places to Be
Events and Happenings
Coming and Going
Lunch Time!

This lovely lady is leading your group today. She is a speech therapist here at Greene School.

Who is Mrs. Schulman?


This is where you can find the lovely Nurse D if you are not feeling well.

Remember the 7 B's

-bleeding, barfing, broken, bee sting, burning up, breathing bad, big bumps

What is the clinic?


This event is where we "walk" to raise money.

What is the Walk-a-thon?


This is where car riders enter the building everyday.

What is the front entrance?


This person runs the show in the cafeteria.

Who is Ms. Georgia?


This man is the leader of our school. He is our principal!

Who is Mr. Cole?


This place is where you can find our 3 lovely and helpful secretaries: Mrs. Mckeown, Mrs. Knowles, and Mrs. Thomas! They are the gatekeepers.

What is the front office?

This event is where we have someone come and talk with us and share about being a writer. They read some of their works to us.

What is the author visit?


This is where bus riders enter the building everyday.

What is the back entrance?


Place you can put unopened food or drinks that you do not want and that is up for grabs to others.

What is the share cart?


This friendly face can be found fixing all kinds of things around our school. He can be found in the cafeteria during most lunches.

Who is Mr. Tony?


This is where you will have recess. Activities include Gaga ball, 9 square, basketball and so much more!

What is the playground?


This something you can be awarded if you are an upstanding student and follow the 4 B's.

What is Aviator of the Month?


This is where car riders wait to be dismissed from.

What is the cafeteria?

This is what you will need in order to "check out" in the lunch line.

What is a lunch code?


This lady wears many hats at Greene. She is the mastermind behind Greene 101.

Who is Ms. Bru?


This is where you can go if you have a problem with your Chromebook and need assistance. You will find books here and may even have a class here!

What is the media center?


These are things you can sign-up for to participate in after school.

What are after school clubs?


This is where car riders can get their breakfast.

What is the cafeteria?


This is what you should do if you need to get up during lunch for more food, to get utensils, to use the bathroom, or throw trash away.

What is raise your hand?


These two ladies help lead our school and have offices next to Mr. Cole.

Who are Mrs. Constable and Mrs. Moss?


This is where you can go if you need to change your schedule or need to talk with someone.

What is the counselor's office?


This exciting day happens at the end of the year where we participate in games, have a DJ, Kona Ice and other fun things!

What is field day?


This is where you will go when the first bell of the day begins where you can get settled and listen announcements.

What is homeroom?


This will happen to let you know that there are 5 minutes of lunch left.

What is bell ringing?