Pop Culture
Where in the World?
Famous People
Thyme to Cook

GreenFields is home to this many levels of living.

Four Levels

This includes Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care and Skilled Nursing.


This is the most famous musician of the 1950s, who also starred in over 30 movies. 

Elvis Presley

Elvis' father, Vernon, forged a check for $4 and was sentenced to three years in prison. He served less than a year.


This island is known as the "Garden Isle."

Kauai, Hawaii

Known as the “Garden Isle,” Kauai is the oldest and fourth-largest of the main Hawaiian Islands. It is the northernmost of the islands, which are located in the central Pacific Ocean, southwest of the continental United States.


This actress tells viewers that a "spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down."

Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins)

Andrews is most famous for her roles in Mary Poppins (1965) and The Sound of Music (1966), which were some of the most successful films of the 1960s.


Keep this in your pantry forever. This is a food that never spoils.


This remarkable longevity is due to its unique chemical composition. Honey’s low water content and high acidity create an inhospitable environment for bacteria and microorganisms, preventing spoilage.


This is the name of our Executive Director.

Elijah Heyboer

Elijah just welcomed his second baby boy, Silas Mark Heyboer!


This movie has been remade four times. Each stars a different woman of that time period. 

A Star Is Born

The starring ladies include Janet Gaynor, Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand and Lady Gaga


This city is home to a special bridge where tradition is to "lock" your true love forever with a padlock and throw the key into the river below. 

Paris, France

The Pont des Arts bridge is a famous attraction known for the tradition of couples writing their names on padlocks and attaching them to the bridge. Recently the padlocks had to be taken off because their combined weight was causing the structural integrity of the bridge to deteriorate.


This 'stranger in the night' has a favorite cocktail called the Rusty Nail complete with whiskey and honey. 

Frank Sinatra

Sinatra frequented a Palms Spring nightclub to enjoy this drink.


This is what "sous chef" means in English.

Under Chef

This refers to the second-in-command in a kitchen who assists the head chef with various tasks, such as supervising junior kitchen staff, preparing ingredients, and managing kitchen operations.


This is the year the GreenFields of Geneva opened.


This is our 13th anniversary!


The year that the crowd favorite, Pac-Man, was released.


Although Pac-Man was released in 1980, its popularity exploded throughout the decade and is often associated with late ’70s culture.


The official flower of this nation is the Thistle.


The thistle flower has a distinct prickly touch and grows spiny leaves that keeps it from being eaten by wildlife. Considered one of nature’s toughest flowers, it’s one of the most debated plants by gardeners. Some call it a weed while others view it as an excellent source of medicine and food, as well as a beautiful ornamental plant.


An icon of the 1940s silent films.

Charlie Chaplin

He is most recognized as an icon of the silent film era, often associated with his popular character, the Little Tramp.


This oil is most widely used for cooking.

Vegetable oil 

Followed closely by olive oil and canola oil.


Name two of the three neighborhoods in the Skilled Nursing units.

Chestnut, Maple, Birch

Birch is mainly for rehab residents while the others are long-term residents.


Name the author who wrote the iconic 1960 novel: To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee

After the "Watchman" title was rejected, it was re-titled Atticus but Lee renamed it To Kill a Mockingbird to reflect that the story went beyond a character portrait. The book was published on July 11, 1960.[


This is the world's most populated city. 


Tokyo is home to over 37 million people. 


This musician was born in Kingsland, Arkansas and was married to a woman who often accompanied him in song, whose name is after a summer month.

Johnny Cash

Cash married June Carter in 1968. Their most famous song together is "Jackson."


This utensil was originally created to cook with, not to eat with.


Capable of reaching deep into boiling pots of water or oil, early chopsticks were used mainly for cooking. It wasn’t until A.D. 400 that people began eating with the utensils.


This is how many Lifespace communities there are in total.


These 16 communities span across 7 states. 


This children's board game was invented in 1943.

Chutes and Ladders

Chutes and Ladders, which was originally a game in India called Snakes and Ladders, was introduced in 1943 by Milton Bradley.


This state has more nuclear power plants than any other state in the U.S.


Illinois has the most nuclear reactors (11) and the most nuclear generating capacity among states. Pennsylvania follows behind!


The first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Marie Curie

She did extensive research in the field of radioactivity and discovered polonium and radium.


This spice is more expensive than gold.


Each flower produces about three red stamens which must be hand-picked. For every 150 flowers, only 1 gram of saffron is produced. The lengthy process plus its rarity makes this precious spice cost $3,000 per kg.