The Green House Effect is...
What is heat getting trapped in Earth's atmosphere
From the presentation name one Burden mentioned to combat global GHG emissions.
(Grandfathering, Carbon Density, Per Capita, Historically Responsible)
Name one challenge from the "Cost of GHG Emissions" article
(High-costs, Misinformation, Static Costs, Research Limitations)
Animals that produce mass amounts of methane
What is Cows and Sheep
From the presentation what country used forest restoration to combat climate change?
What is Pakistan
One common misconception about the Greenhouse Effect is that it's ______
What is bad
From the presentation name 2 Burdens mentioned.
(Grandfathering, Carbon Density, Per Capita, Historically Responsible)
Name 2 Challenges from the "Cost of GHG Emissions" article.
(High-costs, Misinformation, Static Costs, Research Limitations)
Removing ______ causes more CO2 build-up in the air and less oxygen to be produced
What is Trees/plants
What were the two case studies mentioned in the "Cost of GHG Emissions" article?
What is Solar Panels and Electric Cars.
What are two common GHGs that get released into the air?
What is Methane and Carbon Dioxide
What is Grandfathering dependent on?
What is ability to yield economic gains for all parties
What year was the Energy Policy Act mentioned to have been put in place?
What is 2005
____ are a common means of transportation that releases Greenhouse Gases in the air.
What is Cars.
What time period started the rapid CO2 emissions
What is Industrial Revolution
The definition of a Greenhouse gas is?
What is a gas in the Earth's atmosphere that traps heat causing Earth's temperature increase
Why does Per Capita put rich countries at an disadvantage?
What is most of them already exceed the stabilization target.
According to the Electric Car Case Study do electric cars significantly reduce GHG emissions?
What is no.
What category group of countries typically get blamed for GHG emissions?
First World
Why is America running out of power?
The increase demand of technology, old electrical grids, Ai etc.
Greenhouse Gasses can help colder climates keep an annual ______
What is temperature
Developing countries are strong advocates for what "Sharing the Burden Method"?
What is Historical Responsibility.
Why were the sales of Solar Panels high in the mid- 2000s?
What is subsidies/ financial support.
What country typically backs out out of Carbon Emission Agreements?
What is United States?
Carbon Dioxide stays in the atmosphere for ___ years after it is burned?
What is 100-120 years