This person's favorite communion song "There is a Fountain."
Pastor Hamilton
Agenda to attack at nights.
Ideal for soup and stew
Someone lost a tooth during camp?
Antonio Dale
This person speaks another language fluently.
Elder Brown, Spanish
A popular game when you are called by your number.
Known as a fellowship Dinner.
Pot Luck
Popular crusade song done by the church choir.
"We are marching marching in the light of God'
This person teaches this subject with passion
Elder Dale, Math
Wives sit and wait after church for this to end.
Men's Choir Practice
Drink that includes no sugar
Crystal Punch
Longest standing Cadet and loves to wear her swimwear to every beach trip?
Sister Pain
They are outstanding in fashion as a fabulous couple.
Elders Anderson
This usually happens between lunch and AY
Bible Class
Bread that includes no flour and made from grains
Ezekiel Bread
Who was greenwich original lead singer to the song "We work the Feilds"
Kirkland Davey
This person drove a large green bus and his wife played the organ.
Elder Hugh Brown
Beautifully stocked little bags placed on a plant during church service.
Harvest Ingathering
A popular dish, mixed with starch and protein
Rice & Peas
Who says "When every other voice is hushed" ?
Elder Dale