Outdoor Exercise Events
Cardiovascular Health
Indoor Exercise

National trail that travels up and over Mt. Greylock.

What is the Appalachian Trail?


After 2,000 steps or so you have walked this distance.

What is 1 mile?


This race is traditionally run on Patriots Day in Boston.

What is the Boston Marathon?


This gas is synonomous with the word 'aerobic' as you need it as you climb that hill or brisk walk.

What is oxygen?


First used as punishment for prisoners, now common in all gyms, this machine goes at all types of speeds and inclines.

What is a 'treadmill'?


The Mt. Greylock Visitor center is located on the south end of the mountain.

What is True?


The DASH diet suggests reducing the intake of sodium/salt to lower this manageable health concern.

What is hypertension or high blood pressure?


This old railroad bed, now a paved pedestrian path, travels 11 miles from Pittsfield to Adams.

What is the Ashuwillticook rail to trail path?


Tennis, golf, bowling, walking and biking have participants of all ages, that's why they are referred to in this category of sports.

What are 'lifetime' sports?


Circuit training involves an individual going from machine to machine in order to gain this component of fitness.

What is muscle strength?


Skiing down Greylock on this side is like 2 clouds clashing in a storm?

What is the 'Thunderbolt'?


Eating fewer ultra processed carbohydrates, reducing concentrated sugar sources and minimizing weight gain all reduce the likelihood of developing this 'adult onset' disease.

What is Type 2 diabetes?


BRASS is an organization in Pittsfield that teaches people how to row in racing boats on this lake.

What is Onota?


Strongly associated with protecting against lifestyle diseases, N.E.A.T. is the old world way of moving. Think chores around the house.

What is:

Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis


This company, and it's stock, blew up during the pandemic as it focuses on at home indoor cycling.

What is 'peloton'?


The memorial tower built in 1933 at the top of Mt. Greylock was intended to honor the veterans of what war?

What was World War I?

The M in the acronym M.E.T.s (a measure of how high this gets during exercise).

What is 'metabolism'?


A team or individual must complete these 3 events to finish the Josh Billings.

What is a bike ride, a row on water, and a run?


The % of your maximal heart rate you should achieve for 20 minutes during cardiovascular exercise.

What is 65% or more?


Due to a lack of snow one winter, this machine was created by a man that loved this cross country skiing in Minnesota.

What is the Nordic Trak?


The average hiker on Mt. Greylock travels at this rate.

What is 2 mph?


The Red Ring on the apple watch translates your 'MOVE' into this.

What are calories?


If you drove east from Dalton, up to ~2,000' you would shortly reach one of the states finest cross country ski centers run by Trustees of the Reservation. 

What is Notchview?


Long considered the perfect  exercise because it requires strength, cardiovascular fitness, balance and range of motion.  Famously from Scandanavia.

What is cross country skiing?


This machine was created by a lover of a nice easy row on a Vermont lake.

What is 'Concept II'?