Service Contracts
Risk Management
Who's Who in Dallas
Budget 101
The Kingsley benchmark for 2018
What is 4.12

The number of days notice for termination required on all service contracts.

What is 30 days 

Anything longer would require client approval

This monthly meeting requires a review of car insurance for all onsite employees 
What are Safety Meetings
This person lived in Hawaii for over a year
Who is Jennifer Nagel
This is the name of Greystar's proprietary budget model
What is Foresight
The financial focus for Central North in 2018 set by Andrew Livingstone
What is achieve or exceed budgeted NOI on all stabilized assets.

This name is to be used on all contracts in order for them to be legally binding


What is the assets legal entity name

No contracts should be in Greystars name/legal name


This form is required for all residents to have an approved service animal

What is the Reasonable Accomodation Request Form
This person drives a Volkswagen Beetle convertible on the weekends and has worked for Greystar for 34 years
Who is Vicki Morgan

The number of unit types that fit on each market rent template

What is 40
This program tracks packages without the use of parcel lockers
What is Active Building Conceirge, Luxor, Sightplan, or Building Link
This is the number of years Greystar allows service contracts to automaticaly renew

What is zero

All service contracts are to be rebid yearly and cannot have an automatic renewal clause

This is the amount of  Asbestos allowed for maintenance to continue work

What is zero

On-site teams should not do work that disturbs any material containing asbestos

This person appeared as a guest on Family Feud and was once was a training director
Who is Joanne Broadway
This budget template updates in real time to show any changes in input information 

What is the P&L Detail Report or Report2.

This report changes as you change the data in the system. You can see how your changes effect the budget versus waiting for the reports to process every 15 minutes.

This department is where you send telecom contracts to be reviewed for renewal

What is the Greystar Telecom Division

Greg McDonald GMcdonald@greystar.com


This is the maximum dollar amount for an onsite manager or maintenance supervisor to sign a service contract

What is $0. Managers cannot sign service contracts.

RPM can sign up to $24,999, Senior Director can sign up to $49,999, Managing Director can sign up to $99,999 and anything higher must be reviewed and approved by Legal Department before an Executive Managing Director can sign.

This manual outlines the procedures for asbestos 
What is the O&M Plan (Operations & Maintenance Plan)
Originally born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, this person now oversees the Central US
Who is Toni Reeves

The budget model uses this input to calculate actual occupancy

What is targeted occupancy

(It is the driver to get you to the occupancy needed)


The person you email if you are missing billbacks for RealPage or Rent CafĂ©

Who is Anita Bishop in the Advantage Solutions department

This is the US State that should be listed in each contract as reference for the laws that will govern all disputes
What is Deleware
This is how your client is notified of an incident report

What is an email sent by the RPM

A separate email will need to be sent to the client with the incident report attached.

If the asset is not on Greystar Insurance then the properties will need to follow the protocol for reporting the incident to the clients insurance.

This person recently welcomed a French bulldog puppy in to her family and was the President of AAGD from 2009 to 2010
Who is Karen Tepera, Managing Director of Client Services

This is the sequence or order to save each template to ensure all of your calcualtions are correct

What is 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, & 2