This archetype is based on the Konami game Gradius, however it does not include any of the spaceship protagonists featured in the series, but rather the bosses you fight along the way.
What is B.E.S. or Giant Spaceships?
While some types are known for being exceptionally weak (normal and ice) these two types are tied for the most type advantages, with 5 each.
What are Fighting type and Ground type?
While people joke that digimon and pokemon often overlap as monster collection games, digimon actually originated as these.
What are virtual pets?
While known for strange cameos and crossovers, the Gorillaz canonically co-exist within this universe.
What is The Powerpuff Girls?
Despite many similarities in the Marvel Universe, this type of super-powered individual isn't actually a mutant, but a separate species entirely.
What is an Inhuman?
Well known to all Exodia is one of the most well known monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh, with only five cards to trigger his win condition, the archetype actually has this many cards in it. (Bonus points for how many you can name)
What is eleven? (The five pieces, Obliterate, Exodius, Necross, Contract, Legendary Defender, Incarnate)
While most anime tend to have basis in manga, pokemon's manga and anime have always been completely different. That's not to say none of the manga characters have never been animated, as these manga original characters actually have appeared in anime form.
Who are Red and Blue?
Censorship hits a lot of foreign media when brought to America, but you'd think guns would be fine. This digimon however had several scenes cut from his debut episode in America for this reason.
(can guess either digimon's name or reason why it was censored)
What is Machinedramon for shooting missiles at skyscrapers in 2001?
Featuring cards such as Kozmoll Dark Lady, Kozmo Farmgirl, and Kozmo Sliprider, the Kozmo archetype is a mashup of these two popular multimedia franchises.
What are Wizard of Oz and Star Wars?
The argument between the titles "legendary" and "mythical" have been often disputed online, however there are only this many who are truly mythical, being exclusively obtainable through events.
What is 8:
Digimon names can come from hundreds of unexpected places, from simple words like "Angemon" being an angel, to more complex names like "Kurisarimon" being a chrysalis, but this theme for baby digimon is really quite strange.
What is japanese onomatopoeia?
Yu-Gi-Oh archetypes are dependent on key words or phrases in their title, things like "Magician" or "Red-Eyes." However due to translations causing some inconsistencies some cards are specifically excluded from certain archetypes despite containing the key phrases. This being one example.
What is:
Dark Magician not being in the Magician archetype due to him being a Dark Sorcerer in Japan
Hundred-Eyes Dragon due to "Red-Eyes" not being capitalized
Shiny pokemon hunting revolves around fighting the odds to get a pokemon with a different color palette, however this known pokemon phenomena is actually significantly more difficult to encounter.
What is Pokerus?
Digimon has two main game series, the Digimon Story games being RPGs and the Digimon World games being closer to training simulators. However in the early days of game translation these games were categorized as the wrong series, causing many english fans to become confused when playing later games in the series.
What are Digimon World DS, Dusk, and Dawn?
Despite being known as "all powerful" in the anime, Blue-Eyes White Dragon is far from the highest attack points seen in the card game. Extra deck aside, there are actually three monsters tied for first with this much attack. (Bonus points if you can name any)
What is 5000 attack points?
Malefic Truth Dragon
Rocket Arrow Express
Dystopia the Despondent
While everyone knows Red and Blue are the first pokemon games, this game is the first non-core pokemon game to be released in America.
What is Hey-You Pikachu for the N64?
The mega stage is often considered the peak of digivolving, but some digimon can go further beyond in some situations. In fact some digimon can digivolve this many times in one line.
What is 7 digivolutions?
Baby > In-Training > Rookie > Champion > Ultimate > Mega > DNA > Forme Change