In this cartoon, a cat and mouse duke it out to the death!
What is Tom and jerry
Watch out for ghosts in this arcade game
What is pac man
Hit me baby one more time
Who is brittney spears
Related to dogs, these animals were attracted to the trash cavemen were throwing away.
What are wolves
Lin Manuel Miranda played this character In the play
Who is Hamilton
Mom, you’ve got to come home! — and — built something crazy!
What is Phineaus and Ferb
You are a mouse cop trying to get the stolen items back in this old fashioned game
What is mappy
You need to calm down
Who is Taylor swift
Long necked vegetarian? You get the gist
What is a giraffe
What is the name of hamilton’s wife
In this Netflix cartoon, 2 genius sisters and 1 obnoxious brother “test” crazy experiments.
What is Johnny test
In this retro game, you are trying to stop an Ailien project to destroy earth by shooting them to oblivion. Rolling—
What is rolling thunder
Lose yourself in the music
Who is eminem
Horton the—
What is an elephant
how does Hamilton describe himself in the song my shot
What are young scrappy and hungry
These 2 animals get into a fight which results in none of them getting their way.
What is grizzy and the lemmings
Daily double!
in this game, you are trying to complete rows. Single, double, triple,—
What is tetris
Sweet child ’o mine
Who is guns & roses
humans evolved from this animal
What are monkeys or apes
Who are Elisa’s sisters in the play
Angelica & Peggy
What cartoon is Peter Griffin from?
What is Family guy
Shoot space bats as they dive down, hitting your ship
What is galaga
Brass monkey
Who are the beastie boys
This tiny rodent is named after ham
What is a hamster
Who played the king in hamilton
Jonathan Groff