What does Grit mean?
courage and resolve: strength of character
It's good enough.
Fixed Mindset
Why do some people try harder than others?
Answers may vary
always having the effort to fulfill ones goals
hard work and determination
Name two synonyms for GRIT.
bravery, backbone, spirit, nerve, fortitude, resolve, determination, tenacity, perseverance, or endurance
I'm going to train my brain in Math.
Growth Mindset
What if I fail?
Answers may vary... Don't Give Up!
based on a sense of purpose, to fulfill your goal
What is a “growth mindset”?
your basic qualities can be developed through perseverance, dedication and hard work
I'm on the right track.
Growth Mindset
How do I get to be good at something?
Talent is about practice. Talent takes effort. Talent requires a good coach. Talent is about hard work.
steadfastness on mastering skills or completing a task; having a commitment to learning