What does GRIT stand for?
What is Grizzard Regional Institute of Technology?
Name at least 3 pathways available in GRIT.
What is Automotive, Cosmetology, Cybersecurity, Culinary, Education & Training, Health Science, Welding?
What degree can a GRIT student earn?
What is an associate degree?
Who can students talk to about GRIT?
Who are counselors, teachers, Mrs. Stueart, administrators?
True or False: Students in GRIT do not earn college credits.
What is False?
What does GRIT aim to provide for students?
What is an opportunity to earn industry based certifications and an associate degree?
True or False: Students have to apply to be in GRIT.
What is True?
How does GRIT help students after high school?
What is by preparing them for college or a career?
What type of academic support is available for GRIT students?
What is individual meeting with counselors, tutoring with teachers, academic resources through Weatherford College, industry mentoring?
How many credits does it typically take to earn an associate degree?
What is 60 credits?
Who can participate in GRIT?
Who are high school students, starting in 9th grade?
What is the new pathway added for GRIT next year?
What is Culinary?
What type of professional experiences can GRIT students get?
What are internships, practicums, job shadowing, or industry partnerships?
How much do GRIT students have to pay for industry based certifications?
What is $0?
True or False: GRIT students must pay for their college courses.
What is False? College courses are FREE for GRIT students.
Name a skill that GRIT students can develop in their pathways?
What is teamwork, leadership, hands-on industry skills?
Name one benefit of graduating with an associate degree.
What is saving money on college, starting a career early, or standing out in college applications?
When do applications open to apply for GRIT?
When is December 1st?
True or False: GRIT students can graduate high school with both a diploma and a college degree.
What is True?
Can I participate in GRIT and other extra curricular activities (band, cheer, athletics)?
What is YES?
What other school partners with GRIT?
What is Weatherford College?
What is an industry based certification (IBC)?
What is a credential that shows students have specific job-related skills?
What is the benefit of having a mentor in the GRIT program?
What is receiving guidance, career advice, or helping with goal setting?
What is dual credit?
What is earning both high school and college credit for the same course?