policies and procedures
Test your knowledge!
True or False

Name 3 products that are prohibited on site.

alcohol-based health and/or beauty products: hand sanitizer, mouthwash, skin care products, cologne, hair and nail products.

Energy drinks

CBD products

gambling products: scratch tickets, lotto)

alcohol and drugs including THC products.

drug paraphernalia.



what are MHA's core values?

Integrity, respect, and compassion


How long does orientation last and what is the purpose of orientation?

typically, 2 weeks or 14 days as long as resident is following program expectations.

purpose of orientation is to get oriented to the program, structure and expectations. it is also a way for staff to get to know residents needs and goals. 


There are 3 pathways to recovery. 

false-there are many pathways to recovery


Demonstrate or explain the steps taken when staff administrates a urine screen to a resident. 

Have resident remain in one area until urine is collected.

Have resident empty their pockets.

Inform resident not to turn on water or flush until urine cup is handed to staff.

Staff checks the temperate of the urine to make sure urine was not falsified.

Staff wears gloves.  


Name 3 bill of rights (rights that individuals have). There is a total of 30.

access to appropriate medical treatment, free from discrimination, staff who are considerate, respectful, qualified, involved in own care, approve or refuse release of records, live/receive services in least restrictive environment, fully inform begore transfer to another facility, environment that is clean and in good repair, nutritionally balanced meals, wear own clothing, use own possessions, have visitors, acces to phone, confidentiality, register and vote, self-govern, free from strip search, access to records, terminate treatment, worship


What year did GRIT Ridgewood officially open its doors?



stage 1, 2 and 3 outline what kind of stage each is. Name the kind of stage that stage 1, 2 and 3 are? (hint: this is in the Ridgewood handbook)

stage 1: engagement/persuasion (motivation) stage

stage 2: Active Treatment

stage 3: Transition stage 


Safety checks can be completed 1x per hour when necessary. 

False: safety check are every 15-30 minutes 


True or false: it is not okay to administered more than 1 Narcan when there's a suspected overdose?

false: Narcan can be administered more than once, and it will harm the individual. 


Name 3 things under visitation policy and guidelines

items brought in screened, visitors sign in/out of building and sign confidentiality agreement, must be approved by treatment team or leadership, common areas, on weekends, must be on stage 1, can end of a visit if argument or any other behaviors deem a risk to individual or program, children under 18 must be supervised, must fill out a visitation request, no weapons/drugs or alcohol/over the counter meds. 


Name all the GRIT programs along with the age and population they serve. 

GRIT-Ridgewood 18+ adult men

GRIT-Wilbraham 18+ adult men

GRIT-Yale 18+ LGBTQ+


On what stage(s) can a resident start working, going to school, or doing some other meaningful activity in the community. 

Bonus for 50 points: How many hours can a resident work in week for each stage?

stage 2 and 3


orientation and stage 1 (no work)

stage 2 PT 

stage 3 FT


3 no calls and no shows to work result in immediate termination of employment.



A resident become escalated and starts yelling at you because the resident is upset their stage change request was denied. Demonstrate for the team how you would deescalate the situation. what are the important things to keep in mind when it comes to your body language, tone of voice, and response. 

keep a calm tone of voice.

redirect individual to practice safe coping skills to bring down difficult emotions and informed them a conversation can be held after they take some safe space. 

Let them know you can't hear them when their yelling at you.

keep a safe distance between you and the resident. 

reframe from matching individual's tone of voice and body language. 


thinking about the stage, for each stage, who can and cannot hold financials on person. For those who are on stage to hold financials on person, how much can they have on person for each stage. 

Bonus for 100 points: on what stage(s) can a resident hold cards such as (credit, debit, or EBT) on person. 

orientation and stage 1-all financials in financial binder

stage 2 can hold $20 on person 

stage 3 can hold $50 on person


Only stage 3 residents


what does GRIT stand for?

Grow, Reimagine, Inspire, Transform


How many community passes per month can a resident request on stage 2 and stage 3? 

stage 2: can request two community passes per month

stage 3: can request community passes 1x/weekly 


residents can eat meals in their bedrooms, living room or dining room. 

False: residents can only eat in the dining room. 

Residents cannot bring meals in their bedroom or the living room. 


what are 3 (physical, behavioral) signs a resident may be under the influence of substances and/or actively using substances? 

red eyes & dilated or constricted pupils 

breath smells like alcohol

slumped over

behavior demonstrated is not residents' normal behavior such as noticeably different energy levels, paranoia, personality changes, changes in sleep, appetite, loss of interest in hygiene, being dishonest or sneaky, hiding things, mood swings, increased defensiveness.

slurred speech 

needle marks visible on skin


Pick two volunteers on your team, 1 as a resident and 1 as a staff member. Demonstrate for the team, steps to take when a resident comes back to the program from being out in the community. 

Bonus for 100 points: pick two different volunteers on your team and this time, demonstrate steps to signing out of the program. 

Have resident sign back in using sheet and white board.  

Staff verifies sign in sheet with staff initials. 

Ask resident to empty pockets and screen any items brought into the program. 

sign out: 

Resident informs staff.

Staff verifies outings/appointments on resident's weekly schedule. 

Resident completes sign out sheet/white board

staff verifies with their initials 


GRIT program is under DRH, what does DRH stand for?

Division of Recovery and Housing 


What time is our curfew at GRIT Ridgewood for residents. In other words, what is the latest time an individual has to return back into the program when out in the community?

9pm is curfew.


It is okay for staff to yell at residents if the resident is being disrespectful?

False: staff should practice trauma-informed care and de-escalation at all times 


Name a minimum of 5 things that would constitute completing an incident report. 

arrest, death, first aid provided, property damage, overdose, police on site, threat to harm person or property (victim or perpetrator), sexual assault, use of weapon, arson, elopement, incarceration, medical admission, procession of illicit substances, car accident, verbal altercation, missing person, self-injury, use of illicit substances,