Life Events
All About D

G’s favorite Disney character

Hint: It’s different from her favorite movie

Who is “Stitch”


G’s favorite Taylor Swift song (Bonus points if player correctly guesses her favorite lyric from said song; looking up the lyrics will be permitted)

What is “You’re On Your Own, Kid”

Bonus: What is “Everything you lose is a step you take”


The grade G was in when her family adopted the family dog, Luna

What is Fifth Grade


The country in which G’s father was born

Where is France


The nickname G had Dash saved as before (and a bit during the time in which) they were dating

What is “Mayor of Munchkinland”


The title of G’s favorite young adult book growing up

What is “The Fault In Our Stars“ by John Green


Two parter: The name of G’s favorite character in her favorite TV show

Who is “Regina Mills” from “Once Upon A Time”


The name of G’s first ever pet goldfish

Who is “Goldie”


The year G moved back to the US after she lived in Brazil

Hint: She lived in Brazil for three years

What is 2013


The nail color G gets that Dash has claimed to be his favorite

What is dark red


The musical artist(s) G had an obsession over throughout the COVID years

Who is “Shawn Mendes,” “Ed Sheeran,” and “Dua Lipa” (Any and all answers will be counted)

Fun fact: G was ecstatic to see Dua sing and act in the Barbie movie as Mermaid Barbie because it was so nostalgic for her and added to the emotional toll of the movie for her


Two parter: The book/TV series G has told everyone she loved but  has never read/watched before, and which book/movie she claimed to be her favorite 

What is “Harry Potter;” “The Order of the Phoenix”


The place on their bodies in which G and her mother share a birth mark

What is their left thigh/knee


G’s first and only Mini Stage musical at the Norris

What is ”Alice In Wonderland Jr.”


The activity G thinks Dash is irrationally good at, but that she sucks balls at every time they do together

What is playing video games


Upon investigation of some lesser-knowns during her Smurf Era, this is the blue man G felt most connected to.

Who is “Reflection Smurf”


G is pretty athletic, participating in a number of sports when she was younger. There is, however, one activity she found she excelled at better than the rest that she has only ever done once in her life. Name that activity.

What is White Water Rafting


The name of the girl who G’s family fostered during COVID (Bonus points if the player can accurately guess the amount of time she lived with them for)

Who is “Karina Miranda”

Bonus: What is 10 months (February-December 2020)


Name of the city G was born in

Where is “Kealakekua, Hawaii”


The specific fantasy G had about kissing Dash before they started dating

What is making out with him in the pool next to my house 


What is kissing him in the rain in his backyard


The name of G’s favorite childhood doll that she slept with every night until she turned 12

Who is “Nenê” (Baby)


During COVID, G made a Disney dinner for her family to uplift their spirits during the pandemic. G worked tirelessly for a whole day making various dishes from or inspired by Disney films. Name 2 or more of these dishes. 

Drink Me Potion from “Alice In Wonderland,” Potato and Leek Soup from “Ratatouille,” Hors-D’ourves from “Beauty And The Beast,” Ratatouille from “Ratatouille,” Caramelized Apple from “Snow White,” Doggie Treats from “101 Dalmatians,” Eat Me Cookies from “Alice In Wonderland,” Black Forest Cake from “Lilo And Stitch,” Sundrop Flower Cake from “Tangled,” and New Orleans Beignets from “Princess And the Frog.” 


Name G’s father calls her when skiing

What is “Little Dot”


The number of stitches G received after cutting her head open on a glass table in pre school when she was 4

What is 2 stitches


The number of flowers from the first bouquet that Dash got G that she pressed and saved

Trick question: What is originally 5, but she used 2 of them for a scrapbook that she has yet to gift Dash, so currently she has 3. Both answers will be accepted.