Teacher Trivia
Hebrew Language
A Day in the Life of a Schechter Student
Schechter Smarts
Miscellaneous Fun Facts
This generous teacher makes quilts for foster children.
Who is Middle School math teacher, Mrs. Markus?
Kelev, Chatul, Achbar
What is "What is dog, cat, mouse?"
This fun event takes place at Schechter every labor day.
What is the Kosher Rib Burn Off?
This is a big 4th grade project involving English, Hebrew, Art and some famous Jewish people!
What is the Wax Museum?
This teacher grew up on a farm.
Who is Mrs. Newman?
This thirsty teacher loves diet coke.
Who is 2nd grade teacher, Miss Greenfield?
Aruchat boker, aruchat tzohoraim, aruchat erev?
What is breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Middle school students get to help us start our day by doing this.
What are the morning announcements?
Schechter has lots of field trips for many grades, but this trip is definitely a highlight for every Schechter student! AND its the only field trip that is a plane ride away!
What is the 8th grade trip to Israel!
Before our school was called GROSS SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL, it was called this.
What is Solomon Schechter Day School?
This super fun teacher participated in the polar bear club and jumped into Lake Erie on February 16, 2008.
Who is Middle School math teacher and all school tutor, Miss Kundrach?
"V'hem chayu b'osher v'osher ad etzem hayom hazeh."
What is "And they lived happily ever after?"
Some classes do this in the lunch room, some do it in a classroom, but all classes do this after lunch.
What is Birkat Hamazon?
The first and last names of the 3 magnificent maintenance men at Schechter.
Who are Jim Walker, Ellis Thompson and Brian Eaton?
Student learn to pray from THIS book, and they learn to read Torah from THIS book.
What is a Siddur and a Tikkun?
This teacher went to Schechter and when this teacher was in 4th grade playing tag in gym class, this teacher was running to base and slammed full speed into a hard wall and broke 2 front permanent teeth!
Who is Kindergarten teacher, Mora Orli?
Michnasayim, mishkafayim, misparayim
What is pants, glasses, scissors?
The Schechter Mascot
What is The Schechter Shark? (aka Zach Izeman)
The number of students in the lower school.
What is 107?
This pre-school teacher likes to spend her free time BOXING!
Who is Mora Iris Edelman?
Everyone in this teacher's family has a name beginning with the letter "m" including a hedgehog named Macabbee!
Who is 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Friedman?
The numerical value for the word "Torah."
What is 611?
The Schechter building is shaped like what letter?
What is the Hebrew letter "Shin?"
Name 6 students from the Schechter graduating class of 2016.
What is Aidan Gross, Dylan Sussman, Eden Zamir, Ari Sokol, Andrew Caplan, Brian Caplan, Sam Axner, Ben Wyant, Adam Kahn, David Israelstam, Noah Turoff, Jacob Solomon, Julian Saunt, Molly Stadlin, Eden Burg, Emily Axner, Grace Bloom
The number of current K-8th grade STUDENTS who have a parent who works in this building?
What is 9? Ilan Amkraut, Sadie and Stella Barnholtz, Ava Gross, Elliot and Gavi Lappen, Abbe Newman, and Noa and Tali Rabkin.