Ancient Greek
Ancient China
Ancient Japan
Evolution of trade
Feudal society

1.Can you explain the significance of the Battle of Marathon in Greek history?

1.The battle was part of the first Persian invasion of Greece. The invasion marked the beginning of a series of conflicts between the Greeks and Persians.


When did China's banknotes first appear?

The earliest banknotes appeared in the Song Dynasty


What is the term for the Japanese ruler just below the emperor?



What is the main difference between the trading nowadays and the bartering in the past

People nowadays use use different fiat currencies but the people traded without the cash.


What is serfs?

a member of a servile feudal class bound to the land and subject to the will of its owner


2.How did the Peloponnesian War impact the Greek city-states?

2.The constant warfare and prolonged conflict strained the resources and stability of the Greek poleis.


What was the name of China's first trade route connecting foreign countries?

The name is Silk Road


What is the term for the elite class of Japanese warriors?



What kind of items that people in the past for bartering at first?

Cows, sheep, camels, and other forms of cattle were used as the first and oldest form of currency.


Why the life for the serfs were so difficult?

Limited freedom 

High taxation for them

Limited human rights

Heavy labor 


3.How did the myth of Prometheus contribute to Greek ideas about humanity and civilization?

3.This act of creation and empowerment symbolizes human ingenuity and resourcefulness.


What was the main currency in ancient China?

Copper coins, silver coins, silk


Why did farmers hold such a high place in Japanese society?

3.The Japanese valued hard work.


When did the first metal money and coins appear?

About 1000BCE in ancient China.


Taxes already existed in the early barter economies. Is this statement true?



4.Can you describe the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur?

4.When the third tribute was due, Theseus volunteered to be one of the young men sent to Crete. He intended to slay the Minotaur and end the tribute once and for all.


What was the name of the largest trade in ancient China?

silk trade


What do artisans do in feudal Japan?

4.Artisans in feudal Japan produced items like clothing, cooking utensils, swords for the samurai, items carved from wood, and even boats.


When did the transition from coin to leather money happen?

During Han dynasty 


How heavy is 1 talent in nowadays?

A talent in today’s society weighed about 27 kg or 60 lbs.


5.How has the Greek language evolved over time

5.a. Archaic Greek (9th - 6th century BCE)

b. Classical Greek (5th - 4th century BCE) 

c. Hellenistic Greek (3rd century BCE - 4th century CE)

d. Medieval Greek (c. 4th - 15th century CE)

e.Ottoman Greece (15th - 19th century CE)

f.Modern Greek (19th century CE - present)


n which dynasty did China's maritime trade have the largest scale?



Why were merchants thought of as the lowest class of Japanese society

5. Because they were the middlemen who profited from the people who actually worked to produce goods in society.


Why has there been a time in Chinese history when people preferred to use gold and silver bars for transactions rather than government-designated paper money?

Governments might engage in excessive printing of paper money without sufficient backing or proper control, leading to hyperinflation. As a result, the value of the paper currency would erode, and people would lose trust in its purchasing power.


What were taxation do in the past?

Taxes allowed civilizations to do things like develop a governmental bureaucracy, build big architectural projects like aqueducts or arenas, and raise large armies to conquer new territory.