The Nixon Administration
Ford and Carter
Reagan Domestic Policy
Reagan Foreign Policy

This term refers to Nixon's effort to lure in pro-segregation Democrats.

What was the "southern strategy"?


This organization funded the Watergate burglars.

Who was CREEP?


The Camp David Accords helped to broker a peace agreement between these two countries.

What is Israel and Egypt?


This theory was embedded in "Reagonomics", but in spite of it, the wealthy gained the most from the Reagan era tax cuts.

What is supply side (or trickle down) economics?

Students constructed a version of the Statue of Liberty in this location, with the intent to symbolize their struggle for democracy.

What is Tiananmen Square?


Two components of stagflation.

What is high inflation and high unemployment?


This is what Nixon cited as a reason to withhold the oval office tapes.

What is executive privilege?


Number of days that the hostages were held captive in Iran.

What is 444?


She was the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court, as part of Reagan's effort to make the court more conservative.

Who is Sandra Day O'Connor?


The Bush administration supported trade limits and sanctions, in order to end apartheid in this country.

What is South Africa?


This organization launched an oil embargo against the USA resulting in the economic problems of the 1970s.

What is OPEC?


This was the total number of burglars and conspirators who were found guilty or pled guilty.

What is 7?


Ford's stimulus bill did these two things to combat the slowing economy.

What is spending increase and tax cut?


Reagan cut the budget of this organization, in spite of pleas from Canada to reduce acid rain.

What is the EPA?


Saddam Hussein's invasion of this country initiated the Persian Gulf War in 1991.

What is Kuwait?


Overall, Nixon had the goal of re-distributing power from Washington DC back to state and local levels in a platform known as this.

What is "New Federalism"?


He was the key burglar, whose affiliation with the CIA initiated further investigation by journalists.

Who was James McCord?


In a case involving this university during the Carter era, the Supreme Court decided that affirmative action was unconstitutional.

What is the University of California?


These are four of the major social issues that were dealt with by the Reagan administration.

What is abortion, drug abuse, AIDS, urban crisis, education, and NASA?


This dictator in Panama was overthrown and charged with drug trafficking.

Who is Manuel Noriega?


Nixon also pledged a return to "these types of policies" to appeal to a middle class who was fed up with urban riots and anti-Vietnam war demonstrations.

What were "law and order" policies?


These were the three "positions" who quit or were fired during the Saturday Night Massacre.

Who was the AG, Assistant AG, and Special Counsel?


The Democrats believed they could run a ______________ in 1976 and defeat Ford.

What is an aardvark?


This was determined to be the reason why the specific reason Challenger exploded.

What is a failed o-ring?


This was the name of rebels in Nicaragua who Reagan cut aid to in 1981, throwing his support to this group of guerilla forces instead.

Who were the Sandinistas and the Contras?