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Interview Takeaways
From the slides

What style of hair braiding does Jestina Clayton do?

What is traditional African hair-braiding


The main pro of working that people listed when we interviewed them was what?

What is helping people; providing a need


What is the title of our powerpoint presentation?

What is Occupational Power


Jobs in a service-oriented economy are more likely to be licensed, which raises wages by what percent?

What is 15 percent
We found that the majority of people earning over a certain amount of money did not have a side hustle, while those earning less did. What was this amount?

What is $100,000


Excessive licensing disproportionately affects what class and income group?

What is minority and low-income communities


In the hair braiding article, Michelle Obama pushed for military spouses, who move frequently, to pursue their careers in new states without what?

What is bureaucratic entanglements


The main two cons we discovered were salary and work load. What was another con we listed?

What is time/overtime or effort


What was the highest level of education the majority of our interviewees completed?

What is Graduate degree


In 1950, fewer than 5 percent of Americans worked in jobs that required licenses. What is that number today?

What is 30 percent


Based on our findings, what was the maximum amount of years that certain occupations allowed employees to wait before they had to renew their license.

What is five years


We found that many of our interviewees do not outwork themselves for pay, but rather for what?

What is because their job requires them to do so


What is the only state in the country that requires a license for florists?

What is Louisiana


What was the percentage split for people who believed their license contributed to a higher salary vs. people who did not?

What is 60/40


One of the solutions we talked about is to encourage license reciprocity across what?

What is across states or interstate