Coping Skills
Healthy Boundries

What is...

having regard or caring about the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others; 

you accept somebody for who they are, even when they're different from you or you don't agree with them?



What are emotions? What are feelings? Are they the same?

An emotion is a physiological experience (or natural state of mind) that gives you information about the world, and a feeling is your conscious awareness of the emotion itself. Having vs. knowing. 

For many people, there’s a disconnect between emotion and feeling; there’s no consciousness of the emotion at all. They have the emotion, but they don’t know about it. The emotion is certainly there, and their behavior displays the emotion (to others at least), but they aren’t feeling it clearly.


What are...

Tools you use to help you during difficult times or take your mind off unpleasant thoughts?

Coping skills


What are...

the limits and rules we set for ourselves within a relationship?

Personal boundaries Personal boundaries are the limits and rules we set for ourselves within a relationship.


If you are feeling joy and pleasure, you are ____.



What is...

pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity; a feeling of respect for yourself that shows that you value yourself?



What is...

a practice that involves being aware of your current thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment.



What are the differences between healthy and unhealthy coping skills? Name one of each.

A healthy coping skill is a strategy that helps manage stress or difficult emotions in a positive way, promoting long-term well-being. Ex. Exercise, talking about your feelings/problems with someone you trust. 

An unhealthy coping skill provides temporary relief, but can have negative consequences on your health and overall functioning. Ex. Drug or alcohol use, self-harm.


Can you have different boundaries with different people and in different situations? Why might you do this?

Yes, it's perfectly normal to have different boundaries with different people and in different situations! How close you are with the person, the social context or setting, and your relationship dynamic with each person varies, meaning you might need to adjust your boundaries to maintain healthy interactions. 

For example, you might have stricter boundaries at work or school compared to your close friends or family. 


If you are feeling mad with a person, act, or idea, you are ____.



What is...

a communication technique that involves being fully present and attentive to what someone is saying, and then providing feedback to show that you understand? Ex. giving your full attention, making eye-contact, etc.

Active Listening


What is...

a psychological strategy that involves changing the way a person thinks about a situation to change how they feel about it.



Name 3 healthy coping skills that work for you. 

Student was able to name 3 coping skills that are healthy, safe, and legal and help them to calm them down.


What might healthy boundaries look like?

-valuing your own opinion, feelings, and needs

-respecting the values, needs, and opinions of yourself and others

-not compromising your values and needs for the values and needs of others

-sharing information in an appropriate manner

-knowing your personal wants and needs and communicating them

-saying no when you feel the need to

-accepting when others say no to you


If you are feeling bad after doing wrong, you are ____.



What is...

the ability to effectively manage and respond to emotions. It involves using conscious and non-conscious strategies to control aspects of an emotional response?

Emotional regulation


Do our emotions make us who we are?

NO! These emotions are not you. The emotions naturally appear, they are something we experience. YOU are the awareness that has the power to decide what to do with the emotions. YOU control how to move forward with or from them. 


Some coping skills distract us and some allow us to reflect on our problems. Why are both important?

Distraction gives us a break in hard times and allows us to refuel and re-energize or minds. 

Reflection gives us time to think about what is going on and allows us to process our thoughts and feelings, also helping us figure out how to move forward.


What might unhealthy boundaries look like?

-oversharing information

-difficulty saying no to the request of others

-being over-involved in others problems

-being dependent on the opinions of others

-having a fear of rejection if you do not comply with others

Rigid boundaries: 

-avoiding intimacy and close relationships

-not asking for help

-being very protective of personal information

-keeping others at a distance to avoid rejection


If you are feeling able to do something, you are ____.



What is...

the process of conveying information without using spoken or written words? Can include eye contact, tone of voice, facial expressions.

Non-verbal Communication


Consider this flowchart of emotion to action...

Situation → Emotion → Feeling → Naming → Thinking → Acting

Imagine you get a bad grade on an assignment in school. How might you follow this flowchart?

Situation (bad grade) → 

Emotion (sad, disappointed, frustrated, stressed, angry, etc.) → 

Feeling (You notice the feelings. You start to tune out the rest of class; you get restless or fidgety thinking about how to fix it; you want to storm out of the room)→ 

Naming (You can name the feelings; ie. sad, disappointed, frustrated, angry)→ 

Thinking (You consider the feelings. Maybe the grade really isn't so bad; maybe its really bad and you need to figure out how to fix it; maybe you think oh well better luck next time; etc.) 

 *remember think before you act* →

Acting (You decide what to do with your feelings. You might decide its okay or that you don't want to worry about it and simply move on; you might talk to your teacher after class and see what you can do; you might try to work or study harder on the next assignment and ask for help; you might ask your friends how they did, etc.)


Why is talking to someone a healthy coping skill? How does it help us?

Talking to someone could help us...

- process whats going on

- to feel better

-to not feel alone

-to feel cared for and supported

-to create a connection between people

-to get advice


What are some signs that you or someone else has healthy boundaries?

-you know and understand your boundaries, values, needs, opinions 

-you respect the boundaries, needs, values, and opinions of others

-you don’t let others pressure you

-you don't let others exploit you or use

-you don’t feel the need to tell everyone everything

-you can communicate your needs 

-you don't feel guilty saying no

-you don't take the criticism of others personally 

-you take responsibility for your triggers (you are aware of them, you can accept your feelings that come from them)

-you don't need others to agree with you


If you are feeling upset when someone has something that you would like to have or they get to do something you wanted, you are ____.
