How long does the first stage of labor last?
What is labor pain?
One of the recurrent pains felt by a woman during childbirth.
Natural, Water, and C-Section or Cesarean
What is false labor?
Intermittent non-productive muscular contractions of the womb (uterus) during pregnancy, most commonly in the last two months before full term.
What is a midwife?
A midwife is a health professional who cares for mothers and newborns around childbirth, a specialization known as midwifery.
What goes on in the third stage of labor?
The birth of the placenta
Name one of the medical methods to relieve pain
Epidural, Opioids, or Pudenal Block
What is "nesting"?
It is when you have a flurry of energy or the impulse to cook or clean.
What should you do if you know you have Braxton Hicks?
Use a watch or clock to keep time of the one contraction starts to the time the next contraction starts.
True or False: Your favorite food may be your baby's favorite food too.
When you get to the hospital and check in, what will your nurse or doctor hook you up to.
EFM (Electronic Fetal Monitor)
What are opioids and what is one disadvantage of this?
Opioids are also called narcotics, but they are medicines given through a tube inserted in a vein or by injecting the medicine into a muscle.
They don't completely take the pain away, they can make you drowsy and sleepy, they can cause nausea and vomiting, and can make you feel itchy.
Name three signs of labor
Lower back pain, You start to have contraction, Your water breaking (rupture of membranes)
Name 3 symptoms of false labor.
(1)If contractions are not at all regular and don’t increase in frequency or severity,(2) Contractions subside if you walk around or change your position, (3)Fetal movements intensify briefly with contractions, (4)Contractions start and stop.
What is the hormone that is produced for pregnant womans to relax?
What does it mean when you are crowing?
It means that the top of your baby's head is fully visible to your doctor.
Name three of the natural ways to relieve labor pains.
Breathing exercises, taking warm baths or showers, getting massages, using heat and cold (such as heat on lower back and cold washcloth on the forehead), finding comfortable positions while in labor, using a labor ball, and listening to music.
What is a C-section.
This is a surgery to deliver the baby. The baby is taken out through the mother’s abdomen.
True or False: Braxton Hick's contractions are in a regular pattern.
How much percent of babies are born on the day they are due?
What is labor induction and what is one of the reason a woman might have to be induced?
Labor induction is the stimulation of uterine contractions during pregnancy before labor begins on its own to achieve childbirth.
A woman’s water has broken (ruptured membranes), but labor has not begun on its own, infection inside the uterus, baby is growing at a slow rate, not enough amniotic fluid, complications such as high blood pressure or preeclampsia, and health problems in the mother, such as kidney disease or diabetes.
What is an epidural?
I is when your doctor places a tube into the lower back, into a small space below the spinal cord. Small doses of medicine can be given through the tube as needed throughout labor
What is "lightening"?
This is when your baby has “dropped” which means your baby has lowered into your pelvis
What is Braxton hicks and when can this start?
It is “practice” or “false” contractions that can start as early as the second trimester of your pregnancy but they are most common in the third trimester.
Where and when was the first pregnancy test recorded?
Ancient Egypt 1350 B.C