Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 6
Chapter 13 & 14
Chapter 20

allowing another vehicle, pedestrian, or bicyclist to enter an intersection before you.

Yield right of way 


What sign gives notice of traffic laws or regulations?

Regulatory signs


What =is recommend for cyclist/motorcyclist to wear?

A) Anything they want

B) Shorts and tank top because it's hot outside 

C) Bright Clothing 

D) A jacket if it's chilly

C) Bright clothing


Who is more often to get into a car accident? 

A) Teens

B) Elderly 

C) Glasses users

D) People with medical conditions

A) Teens


which one is a visibility issues?
a) cargo
b) glare
c) dirt in windshield
d) all answers

d) all answers


WHO always has the right of way in any situation?

🚶 pedestrians


What sign gives notice of a situation that might not be readily apparent?

Warning signs


How many cyclist/motorcyclist are allowed in one lane?

A) One per lane 

B) Two abreast 

C) Three abreast

D) It doesn't matter 

B) Two abreast 


which one is not a cause of road rage?

A) Driving too slow

B) Invading space

C)  Being courteous

D) Running late 

C) Being courteous


what should you not do while driving in rain?

a) reduce speed

b) turn on your windshield wipers

c) turn on your headlights

d) accelerate

d) accelerate 


WHAT always has the right of way?

Trains 🚊 (they can’t and won’t stop for you)


What signs provide directional information to specific locations?

Guide signs


Which one indicated a right turn, in hand signals?

A) Hand extended, 180%

B) A 90% hand facing down

C) A 90% hand facing up

C) A 90% hand facing up


What safety measure is placed when someone is sleeping on the road and the vehicle keeps drifting into other lanes?

A) Light post

B) Rumble strips

C) White lines on the road

D) Other cars will alert you 

B) Rumble strips on side of the road 


what should you do when driving windy conditions?

a) pass people when driving too slow

b)  prepare to countersteer 

c) potion your vehicle far from the right lane

d)  decrease your following distance

b) prepare to countersteer


What color is the yield sign?

Red and white


What color is a warning sign usually 



When hitting a large animal, such as a deer you should?

A) Release the breaks 

B) Maintain breaks upon impact

A) Release the breaks


which one is correct about verbal road range?

A) they only complain about peoples driving

B) they attack other drivers

C) they use a weapon

D) they do angry hand gestures 

   D) they do angry hand gestures


How far does a low beam headlights illuminates?

  1. 300 ft

  2. 200 ft

  3. 1000 ft

  4. 200 in

2. 200 ft


When should you yield your legal right of way?

when two vehicles arrive at the four-way stop at approximately the same time


What shape is a stop sign?



In a car accident, how much worth of damage does the car need to have, for the police officer to make a report? 

A) $300

B) $500

C) $800

D) $1,000

D) $1,000


Suppose you were falling asleep on the road. You go into a rest stop and fall asleep. When you wake up from your sleep what is the FIRST thing you should do?

When you wake up walk around your vehicle to help you fully awaken and make sure there is no hazards. 


what do you do while driving in thick fog?

A) slow down and turn on your vehicle low beams

B) turn on all of the interior light of the vehicle and continue to drive as normal

C) slow down, continue to use your regular headlights

D) stop in the lane that you're driving in and wait for the fog to clear

A) slow down and turn on your vehicle low beams