Classroom Rules
Problem Solving

What is the difference between an inside voice and an outside voice?

An inside voice is quiet enough for everyone to hear each other and an outside voice can be louder and full of more energy.


Sarah is pacing back and forth and her hands are shaking. What emotion is she feeling?



What is a coping tool that we use that utilizes the 5 senses?

5-4-3-2-1 method!

5 things you can see

4 things you can touch

3 things you can hear

2 things you can smell

1 thing you can taste


Jayden spots the kid in his class that has been spreading rumors about him in school. Should he:

A. Walk away from the situation

B. Tell a trusted adult

C. Talk to your schools counselor

D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Not engaging with that person keeps Jayden safe and by telling in trusted adults at school and at home, they can help stop the rumors spreading by talking to the other student and taking action.


Jess wants to study for an upcoming test in class. How can she do study for the exam?

Flashcards, working with friends on problem solving, other acceptable answers approved by the Ms. Ashley or the counselors.


What should we do when we are rude to someone in our session and what could we have done instead of being rude to begin with?

We should apologize and utilize our coping tools to make sure we are not mean to our friends.


Miranda is jumping up and down, talking a lot, being disruptive, and running around the room. What might she be feeling?

Hyperactive or Anxious


Drawing is a coping mechanism. True or False? Why?

True. Drawing can help us express our emotions in a safe healthy way.


You really want to invite this new girl/guy to come to your birthday party, but you have never talked to them before. You are worried they will say no. What could you do?

1. Ask anyways and know that it is ok even if they do or don't want to attend

2. Ask for help from a friend or adult so you can ask together

3. Another answer deemed acceptable by the counselors



What should you do if you lose in a game you’re playing with a friend?

A. Get mad and flip the game board over

B. Congratulate your friend even if you don’t feel great about losing

C. Talk about how you’re feeling and use your coping skills with a close friend or adult

D. B or C

D. B or C

What is the golden rule in group fours rules?

Be respectful and kind to others.


Matthew is crying because of something rude his friend said about him. What emotion is Matthew feeling?


Bonus point: betrayal


Show us the deep breathing coping strategy

Breathe in deeply, hold for 6 seconds and then breathe out


You are taking a test and the guy behind you asks you for help. He wants to know what you put for question number two. What could you do?

Don't give him the answer. Ignore the student and finish your test.


You and your teammate must do a 10 second impromptu dance. Then describe what emotion you were trying to convey in your dance.

no correct answer


Mark was feeling a lot of emotions and was having a hard time coping. He decided to throw a chair at another student. What classroom rule did he break? Did he lose a star and was he wrong for being upset?

Mark broke the being respectful of class materials rule, stars in this case aren't what's important. What's important is that the class is safe and Mark was not being safe. His emotions are valid, but he should never put his class friends in danger by throwing objects.


20 seconds! Act out feeling happy for the class.

Ms. Ashley decides if you're right.


Kim didn't do well on her exam from class and is feeling frustrated. What can you do as a friend to support her?

Class and counselors decide if you're right


You borrowed your sister's skates one day without asking and they broke while you were using them. What could you do?

Apologize to your sister.

Another answer that is appropriate is acceptable under class discretion.


40 seconds! You and your partner have to draw your best drawing of skibidi toilet together! You get the points based on how 

well you share, not based on the drawing

Ms Ashley decides


You see your favorite teacher outside your classroom helping a different kid with something while you're supposed to be working on a task. You get up and run out the classroom to greet her. Did that break a class rule? Was there something else that could have been done?

You should wait, you don't know why your favorite teacher is with another student and it could be important or serious. It is exciting seeing someone you appreciate, but you must wait for that teacher to approach you.


20 seconds! One person for your team must act out being sad

Class decides if you get the points


Leslie was put on yellow at program and was worried her counselor was mad at her. Her counselor reassured her that she wasn't mad, but Leslie still feels worried. What should she do?

Any acceptable coping strategy we talked about is ok


Mini Play: Miah and Emanuel are annoyed with each other. Act out a 1 minute scene where you and your partner are annoyed over having to share a pencil and find a way to make up.

Ms. Ashley decides if you get the points


Name 2 friends at program sitting across the table from you and give them one nice complement

Ms. Ashley decides