What is the purpose of feelings/emotions?
Any of these....
To tell us that we are okay, not okay, safe or not safe, what we like or don't like, who we like or don't like.
What is the definition of a trigger?
Something that makes us feel a strong emotion.
What is the first step in CHeT?
Notice the unhelpful thought.
Step one is THINK. What are you thinking about?
What are my choices?
Physical sensations we feel in our body that tell us what we are feeling. Examples: fast heart beat, sweating, hot, shaking, etc.
There are two "NO GOs" in regards to managing feelings. What are the two things we shouldn't do when having big feelings?
We can't hurt others.
We can't avoid/stuff our feelings.
In through the nose. - Belly fills with air/goes out.
Out through the mouth. -Belly goes in
What is the second step in CHeT?
Choose a helpful thought instead!
In Step 1, when we are thinking about our choices.. we have to evaluate if they are _____ or ______.
Helpful or hurtful
TRUE OR FALSE. Everyone feels strong emotions at one time or another.
Ms. Dana is stuck in traffic on her way to work.
Name two emotions that would come from those thoughts.
Angry, frustrated, defeated,
What does the U stand for in STU?
Use your imagination
Switch this to a helpful thought: "I am so dumb."
I'm not feeling confident in this and it is hard. But I can do hard things. Everyone struggles sometimes and that is okay.
Step 2 is ACT. What does this mean?
Make a choice.
What will it take to get it done?
Do it.
What does it mean to "relax?"
To become calm, comfortable, body not tense
TRUE or FALSE? The goal of this group was to learn how to get rid of our unpleasant emotions.
FALSE. It's normal to have them. We just want to feel them less, less intense, or know what we need to cope with them.
When you use your imagination as a skill, what are the important things to make sure you're thinking about?
Calm place. Happy place. What do you see, smell, feel, touch, taste?
What changes when we stop having unhelpful thoughts?
We can start to feel better, our emotions may not feel as strong, we make better choices and/or don’t engage in unhelpful or harmful behavior.
TRUE or FALSE. I need to make sure my body and brain are relaxed before I can use THINK & ACT
What comes first? A trigger or an emotion?
Who is in control of our emotions?
We are.
How do we know when we are having strong emotions?
Body cues, how we're acting, what we are thinking about.
Before we can really use CHeT and try to change our thinking, first we have to make sure our ___ is calm.
Trigger: A kid in class is repeatedly banging his pencil on the table. I've asked him to stop and he won't.
What would a HELPFUL thought be and what FEELING would you maybe have?
"I've done what I can to try to get him to stop. I can only control myself and my emotions. I am going to Take belly breaths and Use my Imagination."
Thoughts and feelings