Who created the chicken noodle soup meme?
What is Luzadis Favorite color?
What animal has the softest fur?
How many peanuts are put into a peanut butter jar?
Hint:More than 200 but less than 600
Who created the spider man?
Marcus and Luke
How much pets have Caroline had?
6 including guinea pigs
What is the largest water animal?
Blue whale
How many children do the triplets have in Encanto?
6! Isabella, Luisa, Mirabel, Dolores, Camilo, and Antonio
What is the most popular candy in the USA?
Who invented the wiggle?
How did Ms. Stritmater become spiderman?
Her hands were full and she dropped her lunch but she was able to put her lunch down and caught her tea with the spoon in her hand
What Seeing Eye dog breads do they use
Labradors, German Shepherds, and Golden Retrievers
Was Mace Windu alive in the 6th movie in Star Wars which is Return of the Jedi?
No! He died in the 3rd movie
What is the most popular soda in the USA?
Coke or Coca Cola
Who calls John tomato or cucumber?
What animal does Kylie have?
How many months are elephants pregnant?
22 months
Where was Thor from Marvel born?
How many Mcdonalds are in the USA?
Who found the book "I like my car"?
When is Rachel's birthday?
February 27
Do guinea pigs get lonely if they do not have a friend in the cage with them? True or False!
What movie is joy from?
Inside out or Riley's first date
What is the most popular fast food place according to google in the USA?
Dominos Pizza