Call Handling

Define and explain STD

Short term disability pays a percentage of your salary for a specified number of weeks if you become temporarily disabled.


What are the covered relationships for FMLA?

Child –Parent- Spouse- Next of Kin

What does AHT stand for?

Average Handle Time


What does SMART stand for in our ADA Smart Solution program?

Support- Motivate- Accommodate- Rehabilitation- Transition


What is the target hold time for each individual hold?

3 minutes


Define and explain LTD

Long Term Disability pays a percentage of your salary for a specified number of weeks if you disabled for a long period of time.


When is FMLA recertified?

Annually: - Bi-Annually-90 days -Less than 30 days -At the end of the approved continuous leave


Define and explain FMLA Continuous Leave.

Continuous leave is a block of time at least 3 days or more for a single qualifying reason.


What are the 5 instances where a leave request is unreasonable under ADAAA?

  • An indefinite leave;
  • Complete exemption from time and attendance requirements;
  • Open-ended schedules (i.e., the ability to arrive or leave whenever the employee’s disability necessitates); 
  • Irregular, unreliable attendance; or
  • Repeated instances of tardiness or absenteeism that occur with some frequency over an extended period of time and often without advance notice

Can a caller decide to have a work email address or a personal email address on file with Aflac?

Yes, either is fine and can be changed at anytime.


What are the 4 types of STD claims?

  • Maternity
  • Surgeries/ Procedures 
  • Behavioral Health
  • Guided Claims

Define and explain FMLA

The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was enacted in 1993 and was revised in 2008 and twice in 2009. The FMLA provides job-protected leave of absence for up to 12 workweeks per leave year for eligible employees.


Define and explain FMLA Intermittent leave.

Intermittent leave is a one leave taken in separate blocks of time due to a single qualifying reason.


What are the 7 most common examples of reasonable accommodations?

  • Making existing facilities accessible;
  • Job restructuring;
  • Part-time or modified work schedules;
  • Acquiring or modifying equipment;
  • Changing tests, training materials, or policies;
  • Providing qualified readers or interpreters; and
  • Reassignment to a vacant position

What is the Standard Aflac Greeting?

“Thank you for calling Aflac’s customer care center. My name is (___), I will be your customer car advocate. How may I assist you today?”


Could EOI be required for STD or LTD buy-up options?



What are the 4 requirements of FMLA eligibility?

  • Is employed by a covered employer;
  • Has been employed by the employer for at least 12 months
  • Has been employed for at least 1,250 hours of service during the 12-month period immediately preceding the commencement of the leave; and
  • Is employed at a worksite in the United States or in any territory or possession of the US where 50 or more employees are employed by the employer within 75 miles of that worksite.

What does PLADS stand for?

Premier Life, Absence, and Disability Solutions.


Explain the ADA SMART Solution.

ADA SMART Solutions is a program designed to assist employers with the complex administration and compliance of the Americans With Disability Act (ADA). 


What demographic information must be verified/confirmed on the first call?

Preferred mailing address, preferred phone and email address.


What are the 4 types of Life Insurance?

  • Basic: ER paid
  • Supplemental: EE Paid
  • Dependent: ER/EE paid
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment (ADD)

What are the 5 covered reasons for FMLA?

Employee’s own serious health condition

Care of a family member with a serious health condition

Bonding with a new child

  • Military exigency
  • Covered military member is on active duty or call to active duty status
  • The most common issues that arise when a covered military member is deployed, such as attending military-sponsored functions, making appropriate financial and legal arrangements, and arranging for alternative childcare  

Care of an ill or injured service member


What is the different between Average Handle Time and Talking Time?

Average handle time is full call handle form answer to noting- includes hold vs. Talk time, which is just the time talking caller.


Define and explain ADAAA

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with a disability. If an employee is a qualified individual with a disability within the meaning of the ADA, the employer must follow the ADA’s requirements, including, making reasonable accommodations. 
  • There was an amendment passed in 2008 which is why the benefit is now referred to as ADA Amendments Act or ADAAA

Name 8 strategies that can be used to de-escalate a caller?

Listen, remain calm, repeat info, avoid hold, empathy, apologize/offer solutions, mean it, make caller happy