Listening carefully, decoding meaning and offering back to the group member. Promotes greater self-understanding.
What is Interpreting?
Helping group members to change the way they view their situations or problems
What is Reframing?
This defense mechanism helps group members to avoid facing unpleasant truths by acting opposite of the way they feel
What is Reaction Formation?
Revealing personal, here-and-now reactions to what is happening in the group. Allows group members to see authentic sides of the leader
Stopping group member's actions that are considered inappropriate or unnecessary
What is Blocking?
Reviewing what has just been covered; helps to link issues, create a transition or bring together a chaotic period of the group
What is Summarizing?
Receiver of the message tries to understand what the sender means and restates it into his or her own words for the sender's verification
What is Active Listening?
Providing validation when a group member is feeling emotional, struggling with trusting the group or takes a risk in the group setting
What is Supporting?
This defense mechanism involves group members unconsciously attributing their unacceptable ideas and impulses to others
What is Projection?
"When you ______, I feel_____" is an example of this type of message
What is I-Message?
Using phrases like "I have noticed" or "I am aware", this skill points out discrepancies among words, body language and behavior.
This defense mechanism involves offsetting a real or believed deficiency by creating a real or fancied achievement or superiority.
What is Compensation?
What is Linking?
Zone ranges from 4 to 12 feet; often seen in "business" communication
What is Social Zone?
Restating what was said by a group member but on a deeper level. Listening to what was said and what was felt beneath the surface
What is Reflecting Feelings?
Zone starts with skin contact and extends about 18 inches. Reserved for those we are emotionally close with.
What is Intimate Zone?
Scanning and observing the group's nonverbal behavior; intentionally inviting other's into the group discussion
What is Cuing?
"How are you feeling?" and "When did you first become aware that you had this problem?" are examples of this type of question
Open-Ended Questions
Observing the group for signs of boredom and lack of engagement; taking steps to change that mood in the group
What is Energizing?
Guidance offered to help group members think creatively or come up with an alternate solution; not advice
This defense mechanism occurs when hostile or aggressive feelings are vented against safer objects or people rather than against those who caused the feelings
What is Displacement?
This zone extends out from 12 feet. Greater distances here limit two-way communication
What is Public Zone?
This zone ranges from 18 inches to 4 feet
What is Personal Zone?
"Have you always had this problem?" and "Do you feel safe here?" are examples of this type of question
What is a Close-Ended Question?
Body cues which reveal feelings a person is intentionally/unintentionally trying to hide
What is Nonverbal Communication?