Bucket Fillers
Anger Management
Impulse Control
What is a bully?
What is someone who mistreats others without thinking about the hurt they are causing.
Name 3 ways to communicate with others.
What is have a conversation face to face, make a phone call or text.

Who carries an invisible bucket?

What is everyone.

Why is it important to learn anger management skills?
What is so that we dont hurt other people when we are upset and/or get in trouble with parents/teachers.
What is an impulse? Name an example.
What is the urge or feeling to do something. An example is shouting out in class.
What are the ways that a bully can hurt you?
What is Physical-Punching/kicking, slapping, pushing Verbal-Name calling, telling someone they aren't good enough.
When communicating with someone, where should we be looking?
What is in their eyes. Eye contact is an important part of making sure that someone understands what you are saying.

What is a bucket filler?

What is someone who does kinds things for others and looks to make others happy.

What is a trigger?
What is a topic or person who upsets you.
What is Impulse Control? Name an example.
What is the ability to stop and think before making a decision. An example is raising your hand and waiting to be called on.
What do you know about bullies and why they are unkind to others?
What is they have low self esteem and treat others poorly to try and feel better about themselves.
Why is it important to learn about body language when communicating with others.
What is it lets other people know how you are feeling without hearing your words.

What is a bucket dipper?

What is someone who hurts others through their words and actions.

Name one feeling often masked by anger.
What is sadness, disappointment, frustration.
Why are listening skills and impulse control related?
What is a person with poor impulse control finds it difficult to be a good listener (eyes on speaker, ears open, mouth closed).

Explain the experiment we did using water, sugar, pepper and soap.

What is that when we show kindness to others, people want to be around us and draw near, (pepper are the people in our lives and sugar are the kind acts. When we are unkind and hurtful to others, (Soap) makes others want to move away from us and stay away.

What is personal space?
The amount of space between you and the person you are speaking with. You should have one arm's length so that both people are comfortable.
What is an example of a way to dip into someone's bucket and a way to fill someone's bucket?
What is Dipping-call someone a name Filling-helping someone up who has tripped.

What is a coping skill? Name an example.

What is a strategy that we have learned how to use and find it to be useful when angry. (Deep Breaths, Counting, Music, Walks, Funny Memories...etc.)

Name a setting where it is important to use impulse control.
What is a classroom or in school.

Who is David and why did he join our class? What did you learn about David?

What is a boy that was bullied both on the inside and outside. Each incident leaves a mark, crumple or tear and no matter how many times he is apologized too or told it wont happen again, he will never be the same even if straightened, taped and marks erased.

Explain the experiment we did using a tube of toothpaste.
What is an experiment to help us understand that once hurtful words are spoken, you cannot take them back. Once the toothpaste has been squeezed out, it cant be put back in.
When you fill other people's bucket you.....
What is fill your own as well.
What is a physical cue to anger? Name an example.
What is our bodies response to feelings of anger. Red face, racing heart beat, sweaty palms, shaky legs...etc.

What are the benefits of using impulse control?

What is improved self esteem, good grades, more friendships, feeling proud and getting things done.