Problem Solving
Coping Skills

If two of your friends are arguing about what game to play, how could you help them find a solution that makes everyone happy?

What is I could ask them both what game they want to play and suggest a compromise, such as playing one game for a little while and then switching to the other. I could also encourage them to talk it out together.


What do I feel when I do not do well in school? Who could I talk to about it?

What is when I get a bad grade on a test, I feel disappointed. I could talk to my teacher about what I did not understand and as for help.

How can you show empathy to a classmate who is feeling sad?

What is I can ask them how they are feeling and listen to them. I might also invite them to play or do something fun together.


What is one thing you can do when you start to feel stressed or overwhelmed?

What is I can take deep breaths to calm down. 


What do you do when your plans change unexpectedly, like if a fun activity gets canceled?

What is I will try to find something else to do that I enjoy and remind myself that it is okay to change plans.


Imagine you have a lot of homework and you are feeling stressed. What steps could you take to manage your time and feelings better?

What is I could break my homework into smaller parts and set a timer for each section. 

What is taking short breaks to relax and remember to ask for help if I need it.


What is one emotion you felt today, and what do you think caused that feeling?

What is (for example) I felt really happy today because my friend invited me to play soccer at recess.


What is something positive you can tell yourself when you are feeling down?

What is (for example) I can say, I am doing my best and that is enough. Remind myself of my strengths.


When you feel really angry, what is a healthy way to express that feeling?

What is I can talk to a friend or an adult about why I am feeling angry. 


How do you feel when you have to try something new, like a different sport or hobby?

What is (for example) I might feel nervous at first, but I tell myself it can be fun to try something new. I focus on learning and having a good time.


If you notice someone in your class is sitting alone during lunch, what could you do to help them feel included and make a new friend?

What is I could go over and invite them to join me and my friends.


Can you name one thing you are really good at? How does it make you feel to use that skill?

What is (for example) I am really good at math. It makes me feel proud when I can help my classmates with their work.


What is one thing you are grateful for today, and why?

What is (for example) I am grateful for my family because they always support me and make me laugh.


What is one activity that helps you feel better when you are feeling sad?

What is (for example) listening to music or going outside. 

What do you do when you make a mistake during a game or activity?

What is I remind myself that everyone makes mistakes. I try to laugh it off and think about what I can do differently next time


If you did not get picked for the team you wanted to be on, how could you cope with those feelings and stay positive about other opportunities?

What is I could talk to someone I trust about how I feel. I might also think of other activities I enjoy or practice for next time, reminding myself that there will be more chance to join teams.


Think about a time when you reacted strongly to something. What happened, and how did you feel afterward?

What is (for example) I got really upset when someone took my pencil without asking. I felt angry at first, but then I realized I could just ask them to give it back.


How do you "bounce back" when things do not go your way?

What is (for example) I try to think of what I can learn from the situation and focus on what I can do next time.


What can you do when you are trying to learn something new and feel frustrated?

What is I can take a short break and do something different for a few minutes. Then go back to work with a fresh mind.


If you are working on a group project and someone has a different idea than yours, how can you stay open minded?

What is I can listen to their idea and see if it is good for the project. I might suggest combining our ideas to make it even better.


When sharing toys or materials during free time, what strategies can you use to make sure everyone gets a turn and feels happy?

What is I could create a simple schedule for taking turns.


What is one personal goal you would like to achieve this month? How do you think you will feel when you reach that goal?

What is (for example) I want to read three new books this month. I think I will feel excited and proud when I finish them.


Can you think of a small act of kindness you can do for someone this week?

What is (for example) I can help a friend with their homework or write a nice note to someone to make them smile.


When you start to worry about something, what is a strategy you can use to feel better?

What is I can write down my worries or talk about them with someone I trust.


When something does not go the way you planned, like a gae not turning out as expected, what can you do to stay flexible?

What is I can take a deep breath and change how I am thinking about it. Instead of getting upset, I can look for a way to make it fun anyway.